Any animal lovers on here ?

I love animals, I have always had pets. Our house is like a zoo haha!

At home with my parents we had two dogs, four cats, tropical fish, two hamsters, a snake, and we have three horses. We also took in a litter of 9 stray kittens and rehomed them all.

I have just moved in with my boyfriend and we have two kittens :)


I am a cat person. I am not a dog person at all. I love cats!! I have a cat named Sutekh. That is an Egyptian god of chaos and storms. He is a rescue and is black and gorgeous.

I reckon less people would have cats if they had to clean up their crap or permanently have to keep a litter tray. I don't think its right that a house pet can crap all over the show, wherever it wants. The ones that do it in my garden don't even bury it. Now I have to go out of my way to try and keep them out of my garden sometimes at a cost £'s buying things to try to keep them out. Not to mention thoroughly checking my lawn before I can allow my kids to play on it. Indeed the only pet that can get away with this. Can't wait to find the owners of the cats that crap in my garden. Owners should take responsibility of any pet they have. Yeah cats really are the only pet I hate.

My mate is so scared of chickens. They totally freak him out. Never will you see a grown man scarper so fast when presented with a chicken. Never have I seen so much fear in anyone's eyes.

Love animals! I have three dogs: a wire fox terrier, schnoodle and collie cross that we found as a stray, also have a cat and two budgies, and I love them all, couldnt imagine being without them!

We have three cats and two guinea pigs. We've gradually lost lots of our worst (or best) we had seven cats, two dogs, six gerbils, three mice, two hamsters, twelve ducks, three tanks of tropical fish, a family of giant African land snails and about two hundred giant Madagascan hissing cockroaches.
Then our daughter arrived and took up all of our time, and the pets all got old and died. A friend gave the bugs a home so we may have some back one day!

GlamRockChick wrote:

We have three cats and two guinea pigs. We've gradually lost lots of our worst (or best) we had seven cats, two dogs, six gerbils, three mice, two hamsters, twelve ducks, three tanks of tropical fish, a family of giant African land snails and about two hundred giant Madagascan hissing cockroaches.
Then our daughter arrived and took up all of our time, and the pets all got old and died. A friend gave the bugs a home so we may have some back one day!

Other than the snails and cockroaches *shudders* that sounds like heaven! Must've been fun having that amount of animals.

I have a bedlington terrier cross, he is a loving boy but the terrier in him, makes him a little unruley at times. He wouldn't hurt a fly, just really hyper but he is only 14 months old. He's a loyal boy but is like having my own personal stalker in my house :/

I also have a 4yr old moggie cat and a 6 month old kitten. Always had pets growing up. I did own a horse for a long time, I do miss having a horse but the costs are way over what i can afford.

If I ever won the lottery, I would open up my own livery yard and run a riding school for kids and young adults with disabilities and teach them responsibilities by looking after horses etc.

Growing up ive had so many pets, mice, rats, birds, gpigs, bunnies, ducks, dogs, cats, African land snails, hamsters, and my uncles was a exotic breeder so I had access to snakes, frogs,spiders, turtles etc.

Currently ive only got a cat and horse and fish

Lovebirds_x wrote:

Yup, always been surrounded by pets!

Unfortunately limited in our current house (which has resulted in parents adopting some animals) but we have three little rat babies who are more than enough :)

Its good to see another rat owner :) there really cute at that age and more than a hand full haha

Love animals. We have two rescue kitties. I've always lived with cats growing up (and a dog when I was a toddler that I can't remember). We'd have a dog(s) but we both work full time and it wouldn't be fair to leave them in the house alone all day every day (and they're expensive).

Love going to the farm to feed the animals, love going to the zoo/safari park, I've "adopted" several zoo animals over the years; white rhino, African elefant, red panda, Bengal tiger. Love natural world and wildlife documentaries, dream job would be the cameraman on David Attenborough programs...

Yeah, I'd say I/we are animal lovers. ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

We got 1 Shit zhu yes i know it's shih zhu but he's really a little crap machine and once he's done it he runs round like mad letting everyone know.

We also have a yorkshire terrier, I have an empty fish tank that i was hoping to get fish in but we had to move so refused to get fish until we moved that was three years ago since we moved and still I have no fish. ![](upload://f8zGclFeQx35HwZLqJ7J1rFzQ0n.gif)

I love animals of all kinds, but don't feel a real need for pets; with three kids at home, I have plenty enough to contend with!

Up until recently, I was quite fond of cats; I'd lived with my ex's and loved them to bits, but I always felt as if I wasn't even playing second fiddle to them and after our relationship ended, I found I'd developed what you might call an irrational resentment towards cats, so as much as I like them, I'll never, ever own one.

I've also a fondness for fish which, again, I used to keep when I was living with my ex. Doing water changes was a pain, but I did feel genuine affection for those wee fishies. I'm pondering whether I should set up another aquarium, but I'm leaning more towards 'nay' than 'yea'.

So basically, unless it's an unwelcome insect guest, a charming arachnid guest, or a tasty something for my dinner plate, no animal shall dwell herein.

2 guinea pigs which live in my room. They judge me because my 'toy' chest of drawers is bigger than their cage...

We have three pooches. Jessa, sharing custody must hurt ?

Mmmm never thought of that. Anyone with a heart wouldn't do that x

Fingers crossed x

I have two moggies. One is a rescue. who is very adorable cute and cudly in nature. With what she has been through, well yeh its a miracle that she has such a temprament. Amber is a little timid around people she does not know however. She is about 4 years old now. 

As for the other cat, well she is a right Beep. Love her dealry but yes very much a Madam and knows how to work you up, to get what she wants, not that she always gets it mind you lol She is the oldest. Birthday is April fools...which makes a lot of sence really. Ahaha

I've had all sorts of pets, including hermit crabs, a chinchilla, a rabbit, guinea pigs, cats, dogs....

Right now I have my one kitty called Peggy (she moved in with me out of the blue about 2 years ago!) and she is freaking awesome. I would LOVE to have more guinea pigs one day too. They are just THE BEST. The closest thing I have right now is a FABulous guinea pig onesie :P 

I've always had a lot of pets around me when I was growing up. My parents had show dog Afgham Hounds they bought when I was born, cats, fish, terrapins and birds. Since then we've had a rabbit, a tortoise that escape from anywhere, numuerous cats (double figures), multitudes of dogs as they bred gun dogs for a time (try having 7 dogs and three of them with a litter of pups each), two sheep, three floppy eared goats, chickens, banty chickens, ducks, a cockerel that couldn't crow (and was always late anyway) lots of fish from small guppys to koi, birds we had a sparrow (that was best friends with the cat we had at the time), finches, tits, cockatiels, green aftrican ring necked parrot, chocolate tipped mice (a hell of a lot of them), a hamster, a bobcat, ferrets, ponies and horses. And I had the joys of growing up with parents owning a boarding kennels and cattery so we had many pets that weren't ours year round too.

Currently I have one cat who is 19 and a bit years old and I love him to bits, he has an amzing eccentric character and some rather amusing human like traits.

Suffice to say it's been an intersting life and I have no qualms of cleaning up any animals crap these days lol