Anyone ever heard of a man wishlisting?

jaycloth wrote:

even on Amazon - camming related ones.

Anyone ever heard of a man with a successful wishlist, though?

Especially on Amazon, as afair they invented it back in the day. Been their customer since '97, or nearly from the very beginning. Now it's nearly standard due to its usability. I wish other stores matched the usability level of Amazon (the US version).

I can't imagine not using a wishlist, and it has nothing to do with me being male or female. I cannot afford to buy everything I want in a split second, and a wishlist is a list of bookmarks, essentially, so that i don't have to look over and over again each time I have a budget for shopping. Not to mention that I would forget half of the things I once found without a wishlist. I also used Amazon wishlists of others — to pay developers of open source, free software for their work. A wishlist utility is a necessity in online shopping, and any store without a wishlist function is simply retarded, to my mind.

A successful wishlist... wuzzatt? That adjective is neither here nor there, imo.

Agreed. Id never be able to keep track of all the stuff i want on here without the wishlists but most of my items are really expensive id never expect anyone to buy them for me.
Also i share my account with my oh so sometimes he likes to look at it or put stuff on himself.
I keep them public i suppose because i like looking at others peoples lists, sometimes you find completely new stuff.

My oh is on here and he has a wishlist. As do I. :)

I love using my wishlists to keep track of the things I want. On here it’s things I’ll treat myself to when I get back to a country LH ship to. On Amazon it’s a huge list of books for both enjoyment and research projects I might one day get to. Yes we could all go around individually bookmarking every page for the things we want to come back to but it’s just too much faff. I also have a wishlist of books in my notebook that lives in my handbag, these are the books I find in physical bookshops but either can’t afford there and then (usually because I’m already buying a handful and have to be realistic) or books I know other people will love and don’t want to forget about come a special occasion for them.

They can be handy for buying for others. I have a very dear friend who I’ve known for a long time and there are times when I have no idea what to buy him. Being able to chose something I know he really wants and can’t quite stretch to himself at that time is great.

I am sure there are people who are very cheeky in their use of wishlists, but they are also the people that I think aren’t worth our time.

I am a man and I have a wishlist so yes I have heard of a man wishlisting.

I see it as just that that a list of things I might like, with no expectation of receiving a gift.

That does not mean I don't appreciate it when I receive a surprise in the post, I do.

I have to say it was a bit of a shock when my first ever gift arrived. Luckily Mrs HH didn't ask any questions I guess she thought I must have ordered something. How do you explain to your wife that a women you have never met is buying me sex toys?

I did have a minor slip up the other day when a gift arrived and I said out load "I wonder what this is?" Mrs HH just said you must know you ordered it!


Haha HH bless you! I guess to anyone not understanding how kind people can be on here that it could cause a big "What the hell"

If I wasn't a member and my guy said ooooohhh kinkysextoylover from this sex toy forum I chat on, sent me a sex toy. I'd be like....ORLY!! LOL

I love the wish lists! There so easy to keep an eye on the things your after (i'm a northerner so love a bargain and watch prices haha) as for people writing "buy me something off my wish list" thats got to be the brattiest thing i'v ever heard. Its a treat if someone does that for you not a demand x

Can't see why not I have 3for me to see what I want later, not for freebies or anyone else to buy, they are for wishing eg swans and other toys.

My wishlists are for my use and my OH alone, my birthday is in August and I have already told her to check my lists for a pressie - she's delighted as it takes all the hassle out of present shopping!!

I have several wishlists, mostly for me to keep track of what I want to buy myself but two on amazon that I send the link to family/friends for the minis birthday/Christmas.

I've had a few surprises (through my blog) and I'm so terrible with feeling like I couldn't possibly deserve something that I'm massively shocked overwhelmed.

I don't think many people make wishlists with the intention of them only being used for freebies.

I use the wish lists to mark out things I would like to buy, couples toys, bondage boutique items, things for sir and then two lists of things I own one that's reviewed and one that isn't.
I also have a random item list which is mostly all the little things that I think are funky and usually buy from that list if I need to bump my basket up to qualify for a special offer.
Its just a really good way of organising things and it helps lh as well as it shows them what people are interested it.

wishlists are a great idea just to keep track of things I'm interested in buying myself when I have the funds, instead of trying to remember product names when searching. Would never expect to be bought anything, I'm the opposite, I've bought for a couple of male friends, but think I'd feel selfish somehow if I was bought a gift, but I'm like that with every day stuff too.


have my wishlists devided in clothes, things, and vibrators.

Yeah I've a wishlist too... not for people to buy me items but more a list for myself when I can't think of something to but or if somethings caught my attention....

I've never had anyone ever buy me something on it and I don't think I ever will (I wouldn't expect someone to buy me anything) but it would be nice and would I would of course buy something back but really my wishlist is just a shopping list.

I'm a man and have a number of wishlists. I see something I like and may buy in the future so I save it for later.

I don't make my wishlists in the hope that anyone will buy anything on there for me but I'm sure it does happen

What's your definition of a successful wishlist?
Does it contains things I wish I owned? Yes. Successful. Boo

I use wishlists on here. The Sex Toy Testers list is useful and I've had a couple of prezzies in the past from it.

i would like my man to have a wishlist for here, as i would like to know what hes into, but nope hes not got one, i did do him a testers list but thats all he as ot sure they are his thing wishlists now if lovehoney sold xbox 360 games he may just have one lol

My wish list is purely my shopping list of what to get in the future. I don't expect anyone else to buy off my wish lists, wherever they are. Unless I've sent it to my husband and told him to surprise me!

bumblebee wrote:

my wishlist is purely so I can quickly click a couple of things then checkout before I get my mummy guilt lol

Same here. But it's usually just one thing. The joy of free postage!