Anyone from kent

Here's my review Skitty if you want to have a nose might help.

kentchris yep even if it's been used. You can return it for free using the free post label that will come with your toy. You can exchange it or get a full refund. :)

so lolli, bodystocking or babydoll?

Here's everythinf you need to know about returning an item(s)

Cheers, Lollipop, there are some really nice points in your review that are really handy to know. I love the idea of a vibe that might be relatively easy for me to use without much/any foreplay.

I only have one bodystocking and Babydoll from here, so can't really help there.

I do have a few sexy dress things from here I can show you?

yeah show me if thats ok

i think i have found my own personal shopper lol

Thanks Skitty :) I find it pretty hard to write reviews sometimes and worry that I've write silly stuff that won't really help people. X

I love this bodystocking and would highly recommed - it really fits well and is so flattering - my review is here too :) x

Well I have quite a few but these one

Or these One (I have this one in pink)

These two both stand out for be as I think they both look really sexy and tight.

But also they are both really good value especially as they are both really good quality.

Hi Scorpius i liking that, how easy is it whilst having sex

lolli im liking those to, i bet you look great in them.

would you say the one you got in pink is just for the bedroom or would u go out in it?

I wouldn't personally and especially not at the moment with my baby bump lol.

But if your partners very brave a daring she could wear it out clubbing.

congratulations with the baby bump.

so im guessing no more new toys for you for a while

thanks for all your help and if i need anymore bits i let you know

Thank you :)

No problem have a lovely day/evening.

Kentchris1980 wrote:

Hi Scorpius i liking that, how easy is it whilst having sex

Very easy as it is all open :) x


will have to get that then

hate when you have to stop halfway through to move items of clothing