Are metal dildos worth trying for someone who's just curious?

@Green_Eyed_Girl with your comment is it your mind preventing the g-spot ones? Because if youre getting to the point where it builds up it is possible, you need to learn to let it go if I’m reading you right :+1::smirk:

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Totally possible thats what it is to be honest. Living in a shared house does not help the relaxing if im honest. Not really sure how to help that sadly, hard to relax when people walk past your room.
Had people walk in without knocking too many times in the past :angry:

im in that situation right now, my brother has moved in temporarily but will be permanent by the end off the year. He dose knock but it can be up to 4 or 5 times a night just to show or tell me stupid things that im not interested in. The latest knock was at 1am but I just kept quiet till he went away.

I feel like I can’t relax and enjoy myself unless I put something behind the door to stop it from opening

Ah, thats annoying.
Ok, this is what we have for the bathroom May work for you. Very tiny bolt, but instead of using the metal loop the bolt goes into we use one of those plastic half loops used for attaching wiring to walls (think theyr called cable clips or something).
They’re durable enough that if someone tries to open the door it gives resistance, but if you have to break in they are really flimsy plastic and only tacked into the wood on one side.

I got mine to promise to knock first, but its enough to get me out of the headspace if it happens halfway through a session. All else fails, deploy the sock on the door routine or something.
Hope you work something out with him. May just have to say you need your space after X o’clock :woman_shrugging:

I thought about getting a bathroom lock where it can be opened from outside if needed but it hasn’t gone further than that, yet.

Even if I say im off to bed which is normally around 10pm, I watch tv or something on my computer I still get knocks because theres a slight noise coming from my room which indicates im not actually sleeping which makes him think he can still knock.

For a few days im just won’t say anything and not give him permission to come in. or buy a do not disturb sign

Ah, that sucks. Hopefully it works. Signage may be a good plan if all else fails

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