Beards. Yes or no

I like a little goatee sort of thing but nothing too bushy DX

MrsB isn't a fan, so clean shaven for me. She says they tickle.

If I could grow one, I'd never shave again and I doubt my OH would care if I was clean shaven or bearded.

I am not a fan... But then my ex looked like alexi sail by midday.... And he looked and felt scruffy.... 20 years of it has turned me right off them

I am not a fan... But then my ex looked like alexi sail by midday.... And he looked and felt scruffy.... 20 years of it has turned me right off them

They do seem to be super trendy these days but I've never really been a fan. I like clean shaven or a good bit of stubble and could probably cope with a close beard but that's about it. Luckily my bf isn't really into them either although I would never stop him if he wanted to grow one.

Stubble, yes... beard, no.

I appreciate the aesthetics of OH's beard but HATE the way it feels. Gentle hints have been to no avail. It's all split ends and it goes up my nose and everything- has even turned me off sex before. Right after we got married he started growing it. I've never known why and he doesn't either, but I just wish it would go away and I could enjoy his smooth face again.

Obviously it's up to the guy, but beards/facial hair = big ol' yes from me.

Pinkie Pie wrote:

I have to say, my partner looks after his beard very well. He washes it, conditions it, oils it, even blowdries it. He has a special brush too. And a mirror to keep in his pocket. He cares more for his beard than I do on any one part of my body... :O

Omg i thought i was the only one! yay i even go as far as having it trimmed / shaped every couple of weeks

Beards FTW!

I think few men look better clean shaven than they do a bit hairy - especially if they are baby-faced. Personally I think a beard makes a man 100% sexier - especially if there's the odd grey in there. Oof!

Spot on, Lucy!

Stubble yes ,beards not so much

I think this pretty much sums it up...... And yes, these really are all facts and 100% true.*![](upload://xikJvHiagAdaRaJFq92AQn824qh.png)

*Please note: Facts may not actually be true.

Hubbies in the army so he has to be clean shaven which im happy with but when hes on leave he grows a pretty decent beard and i love it once it gets past the stubble period :) cant keep my hands off!

Haha thanks. My OH has a lovely beard, and I'm fairly certain there's a grey or two sneaking in there. YES!

I think this pretty much sums it up...... And yes, these are all facts which are scientifically proven and 100% true.*

For the record, I LOVE beards!!


*Please note: Facts may not actually be true.

All of the beards.

100000000% Beards are hot!

Alan Rickman in Die Hard only very sexy.