Before you started using sex toys...

As soon as i knew what a sex toy was and what it was used for i knew i wanted to try one but didn't realize how small they could be i kinda got the impression they were used by people not happy with their sex lives or not getting any thank goodness for online shopping or i'd never be able to muster the courage to go in an adult shop let alone buy a sex toy

I too never realised how much fun could be had by using as a couple until recently.

Wish we had tried them along time ago.
Naughty fourty come to mind

Re. shopping for toys...I have great fun shopping on the highstreet adult shops and shamelessly asking the most shockingly rude question you can about their toy range. Just to see them squirm and duck for cover. I get a right kick out of it. Wife dies of embarrassment. If they handle the questions I throw at them I keep going riskier and riskier until I get a reaction like a flushed face. Too funny.

That's just wicked, but so funny . !!

There was one girl who literally turned and rushed the other way when I went to ask a question. Somebody else had to step in and deal with my awkward questions. There was another girl in a small shop in London somewhere, a gorgeous girl, who confidently answered everything I asked whilst not breaking eye contact. I sometimes think about that girl. She was lovely.

Anyway. It's a fun game, which everybody should play to improve confidence and shake inhibition.

Haha!!!! that is just too much!! naughty man!