Life BST

That's life Before Sex Toys...

What did you use before you discovered sex toys? Toothbrush? Washing machine on spin cycle?

Great thread Alice!

I used a hairbrush and my good old fingers. I quickly discovered sex toys from, well sex and the city and got my self a vibrator at quite a youngish age, 15.

Ever since, I have very slowly built up a few items, until I found Lovehoney and then my collection kind of exploded. Lol!

It has brought me and the OH much closer though and opened up the way we feel and what we like.

Great idea!!!

I used my snoopy teddys nose!!!

Also mastered using the duvet and pillow :)

I got my first sex toy at 17 but still love using my finger/pillow :D

Hmmm I think my self-pleasure sexual self lay dormant for a fair while, relying on sex for graitification. If anything it would be my fingers and a hairbrush. I was definitely very late to the masturbation/sex toy party......

An ex bought me a rabbit from AS about 7years ago and at first it stayed in the box for ages, then when I finally got it out I hated it, it was useless for me so I gave up again. Since splitting from him almost 2years ago, I've finally discovered what I've been missing and have a massive collection and thoroughly enjoy lots of 'me' time and love using toys with partners, so at least I now finally know how great sex can be :-)

I have never inserted anything other than toys, dilators, fingers, my OH and one pen once (so I could give it to the OH) (and of course tampons/mooncup)....I'm far too small to experiment with anything without potentially causing myself considerable pain. I still don't use toys for insertion very often and don't enjoy using my own fingers (though his are a different matter).

Maybe I'm odd, but despite really loving penetration, putting things not custom designed for the purpose inside me doesn't and has never really appealed to me.

As for clit stim - pretty much always used vibrators - shortly prior I used fingers and cloth but since sex toys I find it a lot less stressful to use a vibrator and it doesn't hurt as much as rubbing with fingers can (incredibly sensitive skin/clit).


Used fingers before OH bought a rabbit from AS for us but I didn't like it much and only really used the bunny ears. Now I would use a vibe over fingers 90% of the time.

suze9 wrote:

Used fingers before OH bought a rabbit from AS for us but I didn't like it much and only really used the bunny ears. Now I would use a vibe over fingers 90% of the time.

i cut the bunny ears shorter on my rabbit.... :}

Oh god, all sorts. Insertables, well, bottles, hair brushes, tooth brushes (The smoothe end), fingers, some wooden object things, various phallic fruit and veg.

Strokers, I've used plastic baggies filled with some sort of lube and put between bed and mattress, banana skins.

The things I used as lube are shockingly bad. Butter, vaseline and body butters (Not so bad) vegtable oil, hair conditioners. Still remember the first time I whacked off with vaseline instead of dry. Now that was a memorable experience.

Safe to say, a lot of those things were very ill adviced and looking back I cringe at the problems it could and may have caused. The first dildo I ever bought was when I was about 16 or so and it was Huge and there was no way I could use it. The first insertable toy I could actually use was when I was 19, and since then i've definatetly not needed to use household objects. ^^

Pixieking wrote:

Oh god, all sorts. Insertables, well, bottles, hair brushes, tooth brushes (The smoothe end), fingers, some wooden object things, various phallic fruit and veg.

Ha, sorry Alice I just read the thread title in the forum and assumed that the 'BST' meant British Summer Time! lol. It's been such a long month!

In reply to this tread I think I have to agree with PixieKing


x x

Oh, I almost forgot! First experience with vibration was a pull string toy from burger king. ^^ After that, the rumbling of a consol control.

Non of them ever did very much, but I still remember being interested.

I've honestly never used a household object for less-than-innocent ventures.

First thing to ever go inside me was the OH, and after that my Jessica Rabbit. Just been using my fingers (not inside) since the dawn of time. Seriously, I started doing that worryingly young...

insertables: my fingers.

as for toys i had one of those massaging things from a christmas set that i used, it wasn't that good. I also used to sort of grind against a pillow.

courgettes, cucumbers, mars bars and fingers

Yes quite a few of the items mentioned by others but also a snapped bracelet.

apart from what i put above, yes i forgot the electric toothbrush, lol like AA says, just doesnt work

i have used a butternut squash big flared base makes it easy to sit on

Used my fingers a lot at first but progressed to anything more or less that went inside me. Seem to remember a torch that was a favourite but i could only get that from the garage when my parents were out.

Bit different for us guys!

I can't say I ever really tried "sticking it in anything", for me it was just using my hand. The big change for me has been the discovery of lube. OMG its so much better with it! I'll never go back now.

I used my fingers i always have and i still love fingers been used on me. i'm just getting into toys and have a small collection.

Anyone ever actually used an apple pie?