Best ever lovehoney bargain

Whats the best bargain you've found for yourself or partner on LH?

Christmas bargains, sales, special deals.. They have very good deals.

I think the buys i've had from the 3 for £10/£25/£50's are incredible value. I once brought the 3 for £10 and recieved a free vibe from the facebook page (i think it was) with it and then brought the offer lube at £2.50 when reaching the till... for £12.50 I recieved around £26 worth of stuff. Love honey have some great deals.

Xmas day deal for sure 2 expensive vibes with £70 off

Probably last week when LH ran the facebook offer for a free thrust (£40) when you spent over £20. On top of that they had the 3 for £25 offer, in which I probably got goods worth erm £35 ish for the £25 so in total I spent £25 but the toys if bought without any offers would of been about £75 ish. So not bad at all really!