Best wand?

I have tried a few different wand brands and massagers but so far the lovehoney mains wand seems to be the best! The wheel control is easy to manage and all, and the cord is plenty long.The one thing I find is that even the lowest setting is very fast, and the motor can be a bit loud, but it isn’t too much of a problem for the value. The lovehoney own brand is my favorite right now but are there any other ones that you’d recommend?


Mrs Chimp isn’t a fan of the mains-powered wands, she much prefers the medium rechargeable ones. Her favourites are the Mantric, the Desire, and the TC Squishy. :+1:


I have the mains wand, but it hardly gets used. It’s a pain to clean and hold. I’m more into low-mid vibes, so having something that could shatter a window is a bit too much for me :sweat_smile:

My favourites are the Mantric Wand and TC Squishy Wand like @Ian_Chimp mentioned above.


My favourite is the Lovehoney classic mains…
My mantric rechargeable one is my 2nd choice…have to work a bit harder to get there.



Another vote for the Lovehoney Classic mains wands. I have them in every colour and I love the new purple. Perhaps try their battery versions, same amazing brand but a bit less power, im sure they have enough power to get you off


I like the Desire and TC Squishy, but love the We-Vibe.


The Lovehoney mains wand is great, as are the smaller ones. I have all sizes.

The Doxy is amazing, too.

And another shout-out for the Tracy Cox squishy wand.


We have the LH mains wand and the Desire one as tagged by @Ian_Chimp. The desire one hands down wins for me.

The LH mains wand is a powerful beast if that’s what you are after. But its just a little too big and bulky for me.

The Desire one has a lovely little nubbin on the end, perfect for massages. It does tend to come around in the DOTD occasionally too.

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We started with the Lovehoney basic mains one and thay we great. After the mains cable became damaged we bought a rechargeable wireless one and love it.

Handily the charging adapter is the same as my shaver so always got a charger plugged in.

I’m with you on the LH mains wand, just out of interest how do you manage the :sweat_drops::sweat_drops::sweat_drops::sweat_drops: cos it like frigging shower for me with that! :see_no_evil:

A bagged cushion under my butt with a bath sheet folded up an placed on top.
I also have some of those puppy pads…


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A vote for the Mantric Wand, my missus wasn’t a huge fan of wands until we got this bad boy…now it’s getting charged almost daily!

@CurvyJilly ha ha I feel your pain, there are worse problems to have! That’s a good idea I need a designated cushion :see_no_evil::sweat_drops:

Huge fan of mains-powered wands here! I have the Fifty Shades of Grey wand, but don’t think it’s sold anymore! Couldn’t live without it, it’s a permanent resident on the table next to the bed for me! Defo be grabbing it first if there was ever a fire in my house!