Birth control methods...

i have the coil fitted, love it as its there and forgotton for 5 years,

was on the pill for years but as i smoke they told me i had to stop taking them....


We use condoms and the pill, she gets really bad mood swings and a lot more emotional but thats mainly her personality more than the pill, and the condoms are to make me happy in the fact its 99.99% safe.

Ive taken the pill only once (in my mid twenties for only about a year). Use the calendar method and withdrawal method, have never tried any other method. Works for us.

Dee_licious333 wrote:

Ive taken the pill only once (in my mid twenties for only about a year). Use the calendar method and withdrawal method, have never tried any other method. Works for us.

How long have you been using the calendar and withdrawal method? Is that where your 'safe' days are just before your period is due?

Yes, just after my period (i usually dont risk any time after 7 days after my period has finished) and then i am usually ok about 5 days before my period, probably ok longer but i dont risk it! He withdraws in between these times. I have never fallen pregnant using this method but if you really dont want to risk becoming pregnant its best to use another option just in case. Works for me as i never wanted to take the pill, heard so many bad things about them and i was worried about forgetting to take it. Didnt want the coil and i dont like my husband using condoms! Problem solved for us.

I have the coil and its my 2nd one, first one was great no periods nothing, this ones a bit difffrent dr put me on testeron tablets as i wouldnt bleed for a couple of months then i could bleed for a month things have settled now and im no longer using the tablets and when this ones removed another shal be going in its place.

gunther and ady - thanks for the comments.

Who knows, maybe the crying of a second baby will be all the persuading he needs haha.

I'll have another chat with him nearer the time, maybe do some research into it for him first and see how he feels then.

I can't take the pill because of a blood disorder I have which reacts badly to the pill and I'd bleed for months at a time among other complications. So currently just using the pull out method, which I know isn't the most reliable but we wouldn't be upset if I got pregnant

sweetB wrote:

gunther and ady - thanks for the comments.

Who knows, maybe the crying of a second baby will be all the persuading he needs haha.

I'll have another chat with him nearer the time, maybe do some research into it for him first and see how he feels then.

Sweet B

Some observations of mine

1 Of course it is slightly embarrasing having it done but the doctor and nurse were extremely discrete.

2 It was done under local anasthetic and I was given an injection like a "pre med" which I presume had morphine or similar in it coz I was floating on air for about an hour.

3 My wife was given the option of being there but operations arnt her thing, its not exactly a child birth experience, it only takes a few minutes anyway.

4 I think there is more than one than one way to do the operation mine was made with a small incision in the scrotum at the front, I cannot even find a scar now where it was done.

5 After the op for a few days I had a strange kind of soreness in my lower pelvis and testicles The leaflet I was given recommended wearing 2 pairs of tight underwear which I did for the operation but gave up the next day

6 It took us 3 months to get the all clear for my wife to stop using the pill but that was because I was working abroad so I couldnt send the sample in, these are done by post.

7 After a week everything had returned to normal sex hasnt changed although the first time it was a bit strange i must admit, all purely in my head, not about pleasure at all but mainly to make sure it was all working. Fortunately my wife was ahead of the game she just let me get on with it, men are such precious little creatures.

i had the implant years ago, then went on the pill x

Oh I forgot to add one strange side effect of a vasectomy. Our daughter was still at the age (about 6yrs) where she would come into our bed in the middle of the night and sleep between us. As soon as I had the snip she seemed to start training for the England ladies football team, I swear she kicked me in the goolies every night for about a month. Maybe she was using her own method to ensure there were no more little Gunthers on the way.