Birth control methods...

Which method do you prefer to use?

I was always happy with the pill until I was told I was four months pregnant lol. These days, injection. Less could go wrong. Although I'd consider the implant as many of my friends use this and never have issues.

atm just using condoms, but talking about moving onto the pill, however as i am going away for a while then we don't really want to go through mood swings and as it will only become effective about 2 or 3 weeks before i leave. Also would need to get tested (although always had safe sex she wants to be extra sure so just going with it)

i was on the pill ( microgynon) and we used a rubber and I still fell pregnant on that, 2nd pregnancy, I was on the depo injection.................kinda thinking that i might just ditch contraception full stop lol joke!

I liked the patch. It's simple to use, and works really well. I hardly had any side effects, unlike when I was on the pill.

Currently I don't have to worry about brith control but still use these for safe sex against infestions etc

Always taken the pill, have been on Yasmin for years and years now. Used condoms as well at certain stages of my life. Condoms are too unreliable to be used alone in my experience..

Yasmin hasn't let me down yet.

After we have baby no2 I am praying OH will get the snip because I don't want to be on the pill for much longer (increased risk of cancer) he is reluctant to say the least though :(

we used the pill until we had a family then the coil then I had the snip. SweetB as a man who has had the snip it is great, not only as a means of contraception but also as a statement of commitment. My wife changed slightly in attitude when I had it. It doesnt hurt and has no side effects.

I've got the implant. It made me put on a little bit of weight and I tend to get more emotional than I used to, but all in all it's worked great for me.

I was on the pill until I suffered a blood clot on the brain because of it, now not using any. Not trying for a baby, and it is unlikely to happen, but if it does neither of us would be unhappy about it.


I was taken off the pill because of health risks and put onto the implant and I love it! I've had a bit of spotting but nothing to stop me doing everything i love and other than that no side effects. My bf paniced because his ex went on the implant and aparently lost her sex drive, but that hasnt been a problem, i'm hornier than him!

Myself and boyfriend use condoms only.

I was on the pill for just over 2 years trying, if I recall correctly, 5 during that time. I always had some sort of problem weight gain, being depressed, extremely emotional, heavy periods, extreme menstrual cramps, "break-through bleeding" (as my doctor put it, however, I was bleeding non-stop for 3 months!).

I'm considering trying another pill because even though obviously condoms are working there's still that little part of my brain that says "Hold up, what if it snaps?!" every single time and I find it takes the enjoyment out a bit. Plus, no condoms = no sex!

being 57 does have some benefits

I've been on the implant now for 4 years (I'm on my second one) and I don't think I could imagine life off it. Before I was on the pill and although I never fell pregnant, I couldn't trust myself to remember to take it and the worry was always there at the back of my mind. Now I literally don't have to think about it, I'm lucky I have a long term partner otherwise other measures would have to be in place (for STIs) . But, albeit the couple of mood swings I have monthly, I couldn't be without it!

I loved the implant, but am now on the pill. The first implant went in, and was removed no problem. The second implant went in ok, but she put it in too deep, so when it was due to be removed 3 years later, the nurse doing it couldnt get it out as it was too deep and too close to a nerve. If she keep trying to dig it out, it could have caused nerve damage and it would effect the use of my left arm / hand. I was told since she couldnt get it out, I would have to be refered to a plastic surgen to have it removed under a general anesthetic, or just leave it in forever and it wont do any harm. Even though I had a bit of an issue with the second one, I would still recommend it, but due to this issue the family planning clinic wont put me on it again so theyve put me on the pill.

I was on the combined pill for a few years and it worked great until I had to go off it for blood pressure problems. Then I would just use condoms for a while until last year I was told I could try the mini-pill. I was only on that for 3 months and I bled for every day of it...

I've been on the combined pill levest (nightmare) to the mini pill cerezette (amazing) but when I changed doctors they wouldn't prescribe me it (booo) so I had to go back on levest arghh. Now on the Implant and I haven't looked back, it really is amazing- I was always rubbish with pills and I love that I've had no periods. Dream come true!

I took the pill for about 8 years but stopped as i felt like taking a break and I discovered it had seriously reduced my libido! For the past 2 years we've just used condoms, I'm reluctant to go back on the pill as I would like a baby at some point in my not too distant future so don't see the point in going back on it to come off again after a few years!

The only thing I miss is being able to 'miss' a period by taking back to back pills as I have just worked out I'm due on right in the middle of my Holiday this year

Does sending him for the snip count??? lol

we use condoms at the moment only till i get the all clear from the doc, had the snip 5 months ago after we had our second child,

sweetB wrote:

After we have baby no2 I am praying OH will get the snip because I don't want to be on the pill for much longer (increased risk of cancer) he is reluctant to say the least though :(

to have mine done was at the doctors and done in under 1 hour, But i will say you boath have to talk about it,

Implant for me too

had it for a year and although i have spotting/ light bleed almost daily its less than cezarette and is easier for me to remember. plus spotting is hardly noticable

will have it again when this comes out in 2013