
Hey, I’d love to check out some sex/sex toy blogs etc and I’ve tried searching the forum but my phone is being annoying and not letting me search! So could you pop your favourite blogs here for me to check out? Thanks!

There are quite a few blogs on toys, is there anything particular you had in mind?

Justthe2ofus2007 wrote:

Highly recommend kinkymiras blogs x Sure she’ll be along soon to put a link up x

Thanks JT2OU. The link is The link is also in my profile.

I haven't posted anything for a couple of months, but there are new posts coming about all sorts of things. I have 7 in progress - just need to finish one!

Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks guys! I’m up for anything really, I just like to have a nose and read from different writing perspectives. I’m so not picky until I find a style I like 😂🙈 ooohhhh KinkyMira I’ll take a look 😍