Boudoir Photoshoot

Hey @countriecutie38, I was super nervous the first time that I did one. Luckily the photographer was absolutely amazing, she was so professional and we were speaking as if we’d been friends for years. It is such an experience and once you do your first outfit and go on to the second, you forget you’re in underwear and have so much fun with it. I hope you get the chance to do one :smile:

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@srbbwb I completely get where you’re coming from, I was exactly the same. Posing isn’t my strong point at all, but the photographer that did my shoot knew what she was doing and told me what positions to go into and even showed some to me herself which was really helpful. The one thing you have to remember is don’t be pressured into anything you don’t want to do whilst you’re there. Unless you want to, you don’t have to go fully naked, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
By the way, I was told the more uncomfortable you feel the better the photo will actually look and it was quite true :joy: the important thing is is that you have fun and enjoy it :smile:


The photos are stunning :heart_eyes: i love them.

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Hey @bryan.offord23 , have you done a photoshoot or would like to?

I haven’t done one yet and I would absolutely love to I have my own photos in my phone


I would 100% recommend, maybe do one as a present for a partner? It is so much fun and definitely an experience :smile:


Well I will give it ago and thank you for your input and sounds good :crazy_face:

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I’ve been seeing these on tik tok really wanna do one :eyes:

I have seen A certain “experience day company” doing them on a huge discount for single or couples. Obviously they get you when purchasing your pictures but £12.50 for the couples session has me intrigued. :thinking:

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Yes I really wanna do it get me some confidence back the couples one would make for some lush bedroom accessories for sure


Absolutely :100:.

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I’m dying to get a proper photoshoot done. I have been trying to learn to take photos of myself and slowly getting there but I’m 42 so I could use some photoshop, or Botox. Lol.


I just did a boudoir photoshoot with my wife last weekend. I’m a bit of a photography nerd and have a bunch of lenses, speedlights, light stands, remote flash trigger, light modifiers, gels, etc.

I set up some speedlights either side of the bed, left with cyan gel and right with magenta. It made a cool looking split tone image with colour contrast to highlight all her sexy contours. I’m not an experienced boudoir photographer so not good at directing poses. We had had a look online at pictures of interesting poses to recreate which was quite fun.

I have to say I’m really happy with how the photos turned out! My wife won’t let on, bit I think she secretly felt really good about how she looks in them too.

Now we’re both on the look out for more sexy lingerie for her to model in! I can see this becoming an addiction!