Butt Plugs..?

We definitely agree with all the comments as we have had good and bad experiences depending on how relaxed / prepared we have been.

Rushing into inserting just ended up being painful and then not happening !

Good anal lube for lasting lubrication which we use LH.

Relax and tease around the edge, slowly almost push up and down on it at your own pace. You will soon find your body starts to relax. This then makes it pleasurable to slowly slide in.

Once warmed up you can slip and slide it inside with no issues.

Be prepared and in the right relaxed state :slight_smile: .

My wife was put off anal after a bad painful experience and now need to try to slowly introduce back as is such an erotic / intimate place to be with a partner.


I agree with most everyone on here that a good lube is a great start. I personally do not like the super curved p-spot massagers or butt plugs. I always remind myself that all our bodies are different and they could just have a wrong angle to them. Go easy. Go slow. Enjoy the feeling a little at a time and for me, vibration is always last. I will say my favorite p-spot massager I’ve tried so far is this one:

And my favorite starting lube for anal play is not on Love Honey but I will say it has Adventure in the name. I would love if they would start selling it. I start with a little bit of that. Work the tip back and forth a little. Then follow up with Sliquid Sassy to get it the rest of the way in.
Everyone on here wants to see you succeed and enjoy the pleasure! Don’t pressure yourself! In time!


Thank you all for the replies! Definitely worth investing in some good Anal Lube… I’ll keep an eye out in the sales, thank you for the recommendations! I definitely wasn’t relaxed, I was trying to force it in even after it was Lubed it was a struggle. - So definitely not relaxed :rofl: Oh well, I’ll not let it put me off. I appreciate the advice, love this community already!

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Is this the first plug you’ve ever used and first time with anal play?

If so then I’d recommend it’s a first timers thing and as you try out more things you’ll start to discover the pleasures to it, and if not then you may not simply be right for anal hence why you get top and bottom gay guys :slightly_smiling_face:
Perhaps consider using a smaller plug or buying a beginners anal play kit.

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Yup, it’s the first time with Anal play - I’ll try a smaller plug soon and with some better lube. I really think it is for me I just had a bad first experience - seems like it’s a common occurrence
Thanks for the reply! :blush:


Indeed I remember my first time was very weird feeling but I gradually kept with it and experimenting with different things. Now it’s a breeze when I’m in the right mood for anal play. Still have the occasional off times.


At first it feels wrong, dirty naughty, taboo… After a while it feels great, exciting and different in a good way.

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