Can you think yourself to orgasm??...

I managed once, never again... so figured it was a one off

I don't know, all men have 'wet dreams' ie you have an orgasm while sleeping without toutching yourself, even beyond teenage years. Now, you are close behind your wife in a spoon position, so your penis is right against her bum, and if you sleep naked, very close against. Then yeah, think I could do it. On my own, maybe if I didn't touch myself for a few months, possibly, but you are likely to have ejaculated in your sleep by that time anyway. Unless there was som visual stimulation not sure... but good for you

you can think yourself to do anything if you put your mind to it ... LOL

I quite frequently orgasm through kissing alone, and it's quite amazing, on a good day/night I don't need any other foreplay just cut to the chase lol

I'm going to have to try this.

I think the problem is making enough time to relax.