Chat Room / Private Messaging

Just wondered if anyone else would be interested in a chat room or a private message facility on this site. (Apologies if this is posted in the wrong section - feel free to move)

yeah why not

I think it would be a good feature to add... especially the private messaging... x

a chat room would be rather good , There not that hard to code up either so wouldnt be much work ,

Yeah sounds good, would be fun!

Might as well give it a try!

Am new to the site, but was quite surprised to see that private messaging and/or a chat room was missing, so yep certainly gets my vote.

hell yus it would be awesome to talk in real time to all my lovely army pals gr xoxo

yeah! I reckon that'll work

Hello Luvly welcome to O'A..

hi luvly

Hi Studly

i dread to think what will happen if someone managed to get the lovehoney boardies all in one room talking at the same time its a recipe for destruction!

xoxo lilknownsecret xoxo

Private messaging is certainly on The Doc's list (as are lots of other things!).

Chat room less important we think, but we'll stick it on the list (albeit near the bottom).

how about add another forum area which we can talk about random things like music or tv etc

its a step in the right direction
Juse making a suggestion hehe

lilknownsecret xoxo

Liking the idea of private messaging, will it be long?

woo woo studley, just seen the packet pic fab!

thanks imelda

I'd hate to give a date for Private Messaging to added - it's quite a big job behind the scenes and there are lots of other things to do first (which you'll all enjoy of course!).
