Cheating boyfriend?

gunther wrote:

excuse me but for people living together this seems more than a little bit childish

and by that I mean do you want to spend the rest of your life playing this cr*p

i have to agree. The conversations you have described are the type that I would expect to hear from teenagers playing games with each other. You don't seem to have the ability to have proper adult conversations and that is why you can't have an adult relationship.

He is treating you like dirt, playing games with you for his own insecureego, and you play along willingly because in your head you believe, that he will realise what a catch you are, and change his ways. He won't change. He has everything on a plate with you.

You have made your choices, now you have to live with them.

I think it has been said enough... Remember by you doing the right thing and leaving his dumb ass ... Your respecting yourself! Don't keep wasting your time!

I just need to find a house of my own now, and maybe I'll leave him then. I'm getting tired of the fights and of the few chats and caring we used to have since that girl/ workmate showed up 2 years ago.