Clarifying rules - thoughts?

Oh this a difficult one @Lovehoney_Brenna, I think you might have opened Pandoras Box on this one!

I have mix thoughts regarding some of the rules, but I respect them and stick to them (or try to not break them intentionally at least) think that is the bottom line. You will never please everyone. I don’t particularly have strong views either way on this rule, as others have said, some topics of chat are closer to the bone than others. If you don’t like the particular chat you can leave the particular conversation and set the topic to ‘muted’. That is you withdrawing consent.

Or maybe it is time to consider splitting the forum into an advice/group friendship (i.e. strict interpretation of current rules and then a separate area for chat with likeminded people, still with a set of reasonably tight rules linking it to Lovehoney - not another dating/hook up site.

But once again I don’t envy you trying to moderate/decide on this topic. Good luck

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I seem to be skewed on the rules and I honestly feel that the ladies get a bigger free pass than men on moderation of comments. I’m not upset by it but it doesn’t seem to have the same clout when one thing is said and then another is said by opposite members.

I understand the concept of keeping it above the bar with respect and comments that are offside. However, there isn’t another forum like this that is kept that allows people to ask questions, explore new ideas, get informed opinions or share their experiences. I think having rules on what can and can’t be said or commented on is difficult so I understand and respect the lines that are drawn.

Like @Buzboy said, no one intentionally breaks the rules (unless they don’t want to be here long) with their comments and the forum is a little self-policing as well. I think the members are great people and the have valid questions, concerns, ideas, perspectives and thoughts that I have implemented that WORK in my sex life. That is more than anything my parents or a general internet search will get me.

I’d be cautious as I think censoring things too much makes people want to not post, but letting everything go will push people away from here as well. I think you do a great job @Lovehoney_Brenna and I think we all need a realignment from time to time. On the other hand, I do get excited to try new things and express myself here, sometimes with graphic detail, with no harm meant. However, some posts get edited, which is fine, yet someone else’s posts, who’s are very similar or more graphic seem to be welcome with no issues. I think it can be a little confusing is all, and I have expressed that previously, and was reminded to keep it above par.
Regardless, I think that a side discussion or private chat room with ability to have one on one discussions (with a disclaimer and perhaps a trust quotient) where someone can opt out or in at anytime would be great. For example, if I am just learning about butt play and want to ask a certain member questions as they have been doing it for a long time, when I want details on a specific procedure for making my OH squirt or how to use a specific toy, this isn’t necessarily an attempt to get excited or have something to masturbate to - from my perspective it is 100% legit. Also, I will go somewhere else to get the answer anyway if removed or moderatated which takes me away from this site and makes me go somewhere else.

A split room where discussions could possibly be more graphic, where people can post their own stories with potentially intense sexual and graphic content (with or without pictures) and where one on one or group discussions can happen, makes this more of a community and keeps people on the site longer. Besides, the reason we are here is so we click the “Go Shopping” button and buy stuff. If the discussion makes a guy hard or a girl wet, do you not think they are more inclined to buy products and give it a try?

This forum does a service and is a remarkable marketing tool that I think can be expanded, not policed. And if people don’t want to be on the “dark side” of the forum, don’t go there… much like any website or video clip you see that isn’t your “thing”, opt out and move on. I hope we are all adults here.

Regardless, thanks for all you do to try and keep this on the rails! I have thoroughly enjoyed learning from everyone here and trying to get better everyday. No matter what the intent, the sexual content is why we are here. Thanks again!

I think the boundary should be when a member posts an obvious attempt of personal interaction with a member or seeks to shock.
I have stated I may have used cheeky innuendo, but hopefully in a recognisably humorous context. I realise we all have differing styles of humour.
The very last thing I would want, is to make anyone as @Mrs.John stated , feel uncomfortable .
The boundary of what is acceptable and not “should” be apparent to everyone, I would have thought.


Personally i don’t want or need to know if someone is or was recently involved in masturbation or sexual activity. In the context of a review it’s fine to describe your experience, but i have no interest in knowing otherwise.
I usually ignore such topics and prefer the games and other social interaction wether it be offering/asking for advice or just generally socialising, having a laugh etc.


I think this is true on a number of occasions and it shouldn’t be, female comments should all be following the rules and policed exactly the same.

This is 100% legit and allowed as long as the conversation is open to everyone to jump in and participate in too. When I’ve had a question about lingerie I have specifically tagged reviewers I know to ask questions. In topics where I don’t have the information or knowledge I have also tagged people I know do know about the subject to bring them into the discussion. If you are asking for advice on a specific subject or product that is fine as long as input from everyone else is also welcome.

I disagree 100%, there are plenty of internet sites for that. Lovehoney is here to help people with questions they have about sex, provide solutions or suggestions not for people to get their rocks off. I would not be using the forum at that stage even if it was a “split room”.


Right now, I’m confused! :joy::joy::joy:

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I can’t think why anyone would wear a butt plug/cock cage for its health benefits :roll_eyes:

Kegel balls, yes. It’s definitely a minefield though, but I think it should be the same for both.
Doesn’t offend me or make me ick but it’s a rule, I normally just roll my eyes, sigh and scroll past if I feel people are being attention seeking.

If people don’t like the rules they can go somewhere else really.
As for a split website with a chatroom, big no from me, I’d be gone!


@WillC well put as always!

I like the “when did you last have sex” thread, mainly as its given me some great ideas in the past.


Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Some random ramblings -

I am in favor of less or no additional rules here. With the specific poll content in question: this is all about sex - no matter if activity was yesterday, now, or tomorrow. While masturbation may seem more extreme than ‘what undies you are wearing’ post or if you have a plug in as you write, I am ok with all of that in the right context. More rules means more enforcement, as would no rules leading to chaos… :expressionless: Everyone on the site has sexual thoughts and behavior, everyone should understand that and have the mindset that not all content will be in your comfort zone. If we start limiting or gating the content too much, we all lose. So do we need additional rules or enforcement of existing rules?

I do appreciate the advisory nature of this site. I also appreciate some of the more revealing or detailed posts describing experiences, how-to’s, etc… I also have my cringe-worthy moments here. When the content gets too much for me I close that thread without judgement or attack on the content or person posting. I question if I am expecting too much from the forum but I see the ‘position of the week’ topic as a perfect case where we have adult themed content that is not directly tied to products, reviews, etc…

I do not want anyone to feel threatened here. If some subject matter is upsetting to the reader they can stop reading and close the thread. Someone coming here to solicit hook ups or fulfill their kink through interaction with another member is where I draw the line. Tons of great stuff here, we are adults, time to act like it. This place is fun but not the corner pub or nightclub.

So my big question is how do you enable sexual content (sometimes graphic) but protect the overall community. I am not sure adding more rules will accomplish what you want - you will end up with even more rules and the content will suffer. Like the basic speed limit law (here in the US at least) - can you operate in an open environment without someone telling you what you can and cannot do every step of the way…? Some will say designing full rules for every contingency is the only way to go. Sad statement but I see that more every day.

I know this forum and resource is business driven and I hope it is lucrative for LH. Thank you for creating the environment where we can continue to share adult content and experiences. I think a user provides consent when they read the rules and guidelines. You might need to set expectations for the people that have issues with someone saying some experience that is live vs in the past, too explicit, or not their thing. Some of us need to remember the theme here and tone it down. I fear the bad actors creating/forcing the rule structure.

Posting and sharing here comes down to intent - is the person doing the activity that you are trying to moderate here trying to include others or just super happy to be doing the activity and described it real time instead of waiting a day or so. I do not know how you set rules structure for intent without the forum members understanding and driving appropriate behavior.

So my version of the rules:
1 ) Do not add additional rules.
2) Users should act like a responsible adults. Number 1 requires this.
3) You will see thing here that might be over the top - for you - acknowledge that.
4) Existing rules, this is not a hook up site and do not exercise your kink here actively should allow for positive experiences for all.

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There used to be one. Unfortunately it got abused and was removed. It’s not the job of the site to moderate private chats and by allowing them it would change the LH forum from what it’s meant to be and turn it into another contact site, of which there are many online. It always sounds like a good idea in theory but trust me, I saw some of the messages my now wife used to get. And it’s no use just having a block facility as those that choose to abuse the facility will just move onto someone new and simply create a new account should they be banned from the site.


Perhaps it’s worth throwing in a link to the Welcome Topic and Forum Rules so people can have a refresh of what the current rules/guidelines are. :slightly_smiling_face:


This :point_up:t2:. If not for ‘titilation’ as apposed to advise/recommendations I can’t see what can be gained from or any reason to enthasise wearing one NOW! Even if you happen to be wearing it at the time if it is not the aim of the post to arouse then there is no reason not to phrase your post in a different tense.


It completely depends on the nature of the discussion and the post itself.

I think most experienced users here can spot a “look at me, I need attention” type post from 100 paces and are quick to simply dismiss / ignore the content as to not encourage further like posts. These are different than say “trusted” members posting about activities or what they are wearing etc.

Think about the when did you last have sex thread, there is plenty of wank fodder in there if that is what someone is looking for, with a range of descriptions from vanilla to full blown adult erotica. In the context of that thread, the application of the rules seems somewhat more liberal than a new post / thread looking for attention etc

I think the way @Lovehoney_Brenna applies moderation amongst the various threads is very good and seems to allow for a bit of leeway in discussion.

Also, isn’t it really semantics, is there really a difference between saying “30 mins ago / last night / last week” and “now”, they are all declaring sexual activity / use of a product, when it occurred is by the by surely?


Again long term wearers … it is a minefield.

Exactly … and then there’s posts I’ve read where cages are being worn or …. Well it’s sort of where to draw the line isn’t it ?

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I may be wrong - but from reading the forum rules here:

I thought that it was deemed unacceptable to talk as if you are currently being aroused right now while using the forum as that may be engaging other people in your sexual activity without their consent.

It could also be classed as excessive information that just isn’t needed. You can still discuss a scenario without saying that it is happening right now.
Example - on the thread ‘when did you last masturbate’.
I don’t mind reading the thread, sometimes it’s interesting - but if someone was stating that they were masturbating right now, while using the forum; that is inappropriate and exactly the kind of thing that this forum is trying to avoid.

But I don’t know what’s right or wrong - if the rules aren’t clear then there can be so many grey areas.


Me too with the proviso that some self filtering is required to get past a small number of people who over post, generally the same thing week in week out.


The ‘erotica’ posts would break the forum rules

Do not post erotica or graphic fantasies learn what erotica is here

If you see posts of this nature - please flag them! :slight_smile:


Maybe wipe the whole forum and start again? Kidding , but it is sort of the nature of the place.