Colposcopy worries

Hi, I was just wondering has anybody here had a colposcopy? I've just been referred for one by my doctor after a medical examination for my random bleeding after sex, which he thinks is due to my cervical ectropion I have. Have read up on internet but lots of horror stories

I've read they only do this if you have abnormal pap/smear tests results! Unfortunately though I'm just not quite old enough to have had mine done yet.

any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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I have had a couple of these, they are a bit like a smear test, but usually at the hospital with a gyno.

They look at your cervix with a camera to see it there are any problems which would be causing the bleeding, I have had CIN3 and CIN2 cells removed (pre cancerous cells but NOT cancer) with a procedure called loop diathermy, it is not nice but without it the cells could have turned really bad. They use Iodine to show up any bad cells so I would take a pad with you as the ones they have at the hospital are like mattresses and you will have discharge afterwards.

normally when you go in the doctor will explain exactly what it is that they are looking for, it shouldn't take more than a few mins and although it isn't nice or comfy (unless your into that - which I am not) it is worth it to get yourself sorted out.

sorry just read that you are to young for a smear test so probably don't know what it is like, I promise it is not that bad, not enjoyable but not that bad.

They will probably look at your cervix and take a swab to see if you have an infection or any bad cells.

Don't panic about it the nurses and doctors are really nice and supportive.

already had loads of swabs taken everything normal and fine, and had ultrasound scan and all normal, next stop is this colposcopy thing, it's to look for any abnormalities linked to my ectropion my doc told me and they'll have a look to see if everything else is ok.


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if you have had swabs done then you will have an idea what it feels like, it is just so that they can take a really detailed look to see what is happening

hope that everything goes well

thanks boobaloo.


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