Condom information

Hi just looking for some advice my partner has latex allergy been looking for latex free condoms that are flavoured but cant seem to find any that are both and big enough to fit. Does anyone know of a brand that does them or of any lubes that can be used with laytex free condom i know some lubes are made for skin only kinda thing thanks in advance for all information

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Skyns are non-latex, although LH does carry them as a product, I am not sure that they carry the cocktail flavoured ones.

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The only brand I know of that does latex free, flavoured condoms is Skyns. But they only come in the regular size as far as I can find so guessing they won’t work for you.

In terms of lube, pretty much any water based, flavoured lube should be fine. Some do have warnings about being for external use, but this generally because they haven’t been tested to be consumed in large quantities (ie drinking the whole bottle in one go).


Skyns* are my go to and they do large and flavoured.

*Not to be confused with Skins…not the same brand at all!

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Thanks everyone