Contraception - IUD

Haven't been on in a while but I immediately thought of LH forum for this as I know I'll get honest answers!!

So I've been on the Pill (microgynon 30) for ten years now and randomly decided to stop taking it about two weeks ago. I'm not sure the risks are worth the benefit. From HPV/cervical cancer to glycouma. My sex drive isn't great and my skin isnt as clear as I'd hope.

After visiting the nurse she advised to have the copper coil (no hormones) which has no risk of the above or side effects. But she couldnt really offer any opinion on it other than a leaflet.

Has anyone used the coil before? Do you use it now? If not, why not? Pro's/con's

I have never had the coil, was offered it but I insisted on having the implant. So this isn't from my personal experience, but is what a friend told me. She had to have hers out as she had no end of problems with it. She was in a lot of discomfort with it and she had a constant bleed. Thats all I know :)

We had a bad experience with the coil. My wife got one fitted as every type of hormone based contraceptive she has used has destroyed her appetite for sex as well as other undesirable side effects.
Long story short; within a couple of months of getting coil (and after having sex about 4-5 times) she had an ectopic pregnancy and had to have a tube removed. There is an increased risk of this with a copper coil.
I realise that no contraception is 100% effective and risk-free though.
My advice would be to fully read up on all of the risks before you decide to go ahead with it

I was on the microgynon 30 pill for about 5 years but had to come off due to other health problems and fear of it not working as I was being sick alot at the time.

My doctor went through all the options with me and gave me their honest opinion on what they think would be best for me given my medical history as have had afew problems pregnancy and health wise also. I wont go into all the details on here but bascially due to that the coil wasnt a good option for me as it had a high posibility of adding to my problems.

I opted for an implant instead and have had this for 2 and half years now and no problem at all with it. No side effects or anything.

The thing to take into consideration with the implant is if you do plan on getting pregnant you will need to allow time on that due to it staying in your system longer even at removal. Cant remenber the exact time frame but be easy to find out. Obvisouly like all contraception they come with possible side effects but my advice would be if possible speak to your doctor. Your doctor with give you an opinion based on your medical history.

Thanks everyone so far!

I definitely don't want the implant or any other method with hormones. And my medical history didn't point toward having/not having the coil. It was a suggestion as it seems the most fitting (apart from condoms). It's just down to personal preference at the moment but I'd like some views on how others got on with it.

dh, was the coil not sitting correctly in the womb? And what method did you use after she had it took out? Thanks!

The implant taken out, trying for a baby time frame is 3 months. I am on my 3rd implant so just starting my 7th year

I've got the Mirena coil and had it fitted 15 months ago. It's been fantastic for me, I don't even have periods either. The Mirena coil is different to the copper coil but not sure what the differences are. My friend had the copper coil and had no end of troubles

Ms HKM wrote:

Thanks everyone so far!

I definitely don't want the implant or any other method with hormones. And my medical history didn't point toward having/not having the coil. It was a suggestion as it seems the most fitting (apart from condoms). It's just down to personal preference at the moment but I'd like some views on how others got on with it.

dh, was the coil not sitting correctly in the womb? And what method did you use after she had it took out? Thanks!

Coil was checked before she got pregnant and obviously once she found out she was pregnant and it was correctly fitted the whole time. The coil prevents a fertilised egg from attaching to the womb but as far as I know does very little to stop one from getting stuck in a tube.

We just use condoms now; not ideal but until we've had one more kid and I get the snip it's the best option really.

I had a copper coil but had it removed after a few years because it caused me to have very heavy periods.I then had the mirena coil which was brilliant,very light bleeds (some women don't have any bleeding at all ).I had the mirena for many years, right up until I had a hysterectomy.
The difference between the two is the mirena is made of plastic and releases a small amount of hormone into the uterus.

Me and my sister both have the copper coil and she has had it slightly longer than me.
I got it because 1. I'm rubbish at taking pills and 2. I needed emergency contraception when I had it fitted and this method appealed to me more than the Morning After pill because I had been wanting something more permanent for a while.

The procedure to get it fit was rather painful, due to the cold speculum and it stretching open parts of your body you're not ready to have stretched open. But after a day or two the crampy pain subsided, was the same more or less for my sister although I think she had quite bad cramps afterwards, but that's normal.

So far the only downside I have is heavier/longer periods with more frequent cramps. Before the coil my periods were normal flow and lasted probably 5-7 days. Now they get incredibly heavy around day 2 or 3 and can last 9-12 days. When I say heavy I mean having to change constantly and suffering a lot of 'leakage'. But I'm getting used to it now. The cramps tend to arrive the week before and will come and go on most days. Oddly enough they can be really painful but subside really quickly, it's odd :)

But as for having sex that's been fine. Only one partner mentioned he could feel it and that was straight after I'd had it inserted. Now the strings are soft and stay out the way mostly. Me and my sister are fortunate enough to have not had any of the adverse side effects yet, but fingers crossed the coil carries on doing it's job and doesn't cause too much upset!

Hope that helps! I can of course answer any other Q's you might have :)

I had the copper coil in for a few months (removed it myself whilst drunk because I 'wanted a baby' ) didn't regret taking it out before anybody calls me silly lol, its cause a period like cramp while getting it put in but I had a numbing cream put on my cervix because it hurt when she poked it, afterwards It just felt like a had a period and I did have a small bleed, periods were normal and on time apart from a bit heavier, hardly any cramping though, iv had the implant before and it messed my periods up and I always decided against the pill because I wouldn't remember it, tbh I reccommend the copper coil because you can just forget its there but as somebody said before it can increase the risk of eptopic pregnancy which can be life threatening, there's much more pros than cons but the cons are more dangerous, if put in wrongly you could end up with pelvic inflammitry disease(bad spelling) but they check the positioning on a follow up apt 6 weeks after, there's a lot of information online, I hope I helped x

The wife has a mineera coil with no side effects. She has had it for the last year or so.

The only thing we didnt know was that you should not use rotating sex toys like the rampant rabbit for example as it can cause the coil to wrap around it and then be pulled out.

Found that out when we were looking to rent the sybian for a weekend lol.

coffee2sugars wrote:

The wife has a mineera coil with no side effects. She has had it for the last year or so.

The only thing we didnt know was that you should not use rotating sex toys like the rampant rabbit for example as it can cause the coil to wrap around it and then be pulled out.

Found that out when we were looking to rent the sybian for a weekend lol.

Well I didn't know that! As I've said above, I've had the mirena coil in for 15 months now, no side effect, no periods - it's all good. Fortunately I don't use the rotating shaft bit on my rabbit vibrator cus it's incredibly noisy!

I used the rotating function on a rabbit when I had my mirena coil with no problems . The strings of the coil would have to be quite long to get tangled up in a sex toy, most doctors cut them fairly short.

wildflower wrote:

I used the rotating function on a rabbit when I had my mirena coil with no problems . The strings of the coil would have to be quite long to get tangled up in a sex toy, most doctors cut them fairly short.

I actually should have thought about that. It's 'way up there' lol, I don't think there's any danger of contact!

I have a couple of friends who opted for te copper coil. All of them suffer really heavy bleeding from it. I have the mirena inaugural but I had originally asked to have the copper inserted. My Gp refused to do it because she said out of all the women she inserted into last year all of them asked to have it removed.
However I still bleed loads with the hormonal.
Until you try it I don't think you will know. Everyone reacts differently to each type of contraceptive

I've got the mirena coil I have had it nearly 8years first it was amazing, No periods no pain nothing. But the second coil was put in I was told I had a cyst and it was very uncomfortable being put in more so than my first. I now have to be checked regularly to make sure it's not growing its one side effect. Over the last few months sex has become more uncomfortable. Nearly 3years later and the allergy consultant I've been seeing believes a lot of my symptoms could be related to my coil and the hormones! This second coil I've had has caused me discomfort I can't sneeze or sit in certain positions without a pulling feeling and discomfort. Having had a scan recently the coil is in the right position but they found another cyst. it's this second coil that's caused no end of troubles.
This is what happened with me and i now have mixed feelings about the coil and taking it out. BV is right it's different for everyone xx

wow, thanks everyone. This has given me a lot of food for thought!!

mnms - 9-12 days?! that's very long! How long have you had the coil in for? THe nurse I spoke to said that it's heavy for the first few months and then can settle down - is this not the case for you?

Gem26 - do you use the mirena coil or the copper one now?

I haven't personal had the coil just the thought of it always put me off having it I had the implant after my 1st baby for a year an a half an bleed/spotted for the whole time even taking the pill on top of it so I then got it removed an went on micrognon since only coming off it when we wanted our second n third baby I'm now considering getting sterilised or oh getting the snip as we don't want anymore kids don't think I'm doctors gonna go for it with me only being 22 an oh 26

i have had both the copper and the mirena coil. the copper coil made my already heavy periods much worse and due to fibroids the mirena turned out not to be suitable,

that said two of my friends have both had the mirena for a few years without any problems whatso ever - in fact they both havent had periods during this time. both took about 2-3 months to settle down then everything fine.

trial and error i think to find out what is suitable but i would def go for the mirena