
@Orgasm_Chaser - this site is a good place to start for reviews and advice about ingredients. Obviously, opinions differ!


I only started wearing face make-up this year (I used to wear heavy eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick in my teens). I use Boots Natural Collection tinted moisturiser, highlighter and concealer. They are very light, which I like.


Shave done and just applied my moisturiser popped the paper face mask on to nip out doors and all I can smell is my temple spa cream

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Great. It’s amazing when we don’t feel ‘great’ it goes out of the window.

Most I’m doing today is a baby wipe and a sleeping mask.

@Orgasm_Chaser Always good to have baby wipes handy they are also excellent on the leather sofa

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Definitely! And for blowing your nose when it gets sore from tissues.

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So everyone I like the tissues with balm in them for that nowt worse than a bright red konk ending up looking like Rudolph :deer:

  • My Cosmetic trick

If you have sore spots under your nose apply Vicks before bed … Does a fantastic job at clearing it up

Does it not nip if your nose is broken out

Just don’t put your fingers elsewhere after! :scream:


Tingle balm on a whole new level @WillC

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Yeah it stings at first but I did it once and it was gone by the morning x

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Top tip you’ve shared with everyone there @Orgasm_Chaser

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Salicylic acid is great to dap on spots to dry them out.
When added to a general liquid to swish across teenage / hormonal faces it is good too.
A lot of products sold in the UK for ‘problem skin’ have the active ingredients removed. Check if it contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide for spots. And use a good moisturiser too because these get rid of spots but can dry out skin, and spotty skin still needs moisture.
Too much alcohol will dry out skin too. It is often used as a preservative but if the first things in the ingredients list are things like ‘alcohol denat’, or any other alcohol based thing, maybe think again? Some might be necessary, but if it is all alcohol with a bit of aqua and glycerin, it will dry out skin.


Isn’t that used for warts too?

I swear by the ordinary and the inkey list, I absolutely love their products! The naming may be a little confusing for some at first but you do get the hang of it after reading a bit about skincare. Also follow some skincare youtubers, they simplify everything!


This is what I know about moisturisers. They can be cheap or pricey, really doesn’t matter. In fact, some high-end brands don’t fit the bill.
Everyone’s skin responds differently, but the effective ingredients are… (and this is where we should all read the ingredients on the back of whatever it is we buy)…

  1. Emolients: these seal n moisture and fill in cracks in the epidermis. Examples are shea butter, oils e.g. marula, hemp seed, rosehip, jojoba, almond, (not necessarily fragranced essential oils - these often have no therapeutic value)

  2. Occlusives: these form a protective barrier to prevent moisture loss: petroluem, cetyl alcohol, shea butter, lanolin (some may be allergic to some of these)

  3. Humectants: these are moisture retaining - they draw in moisture and keep it in: e.g. hyaluronic acid, glycerin,

There are other suggestions in each category, but a good moisturiser will do these 3 things and can come cheap or expensive. Things like sunscrean and antioxident treatments (e.g. vitamin C, E) are extras and personal choice.


@Orgasm_Chaser yes, used for warts as well as spots.
It is the main component of aspirin - so a cheap as chips skin treatment.

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Thank you for these @MsR - have found them super helpful! I love getting to know products in a bit more depth and always look for certain things on packaging but will definitely keep my eye open for these :ok_hand:t2:

I also checked a couple of my other skin products after your previous post about alcohol content and they are full of it! I definitely notice they dry my skin out more than others so will avoid in the future!

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This is super interesting as I would’ve thought it would irritate rather than help. Definitely going to give it a go next time I get some!

I have some wax melts that are basically vicks in candle form and they help so much when I’m feeling coldy!

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