Deal of the day dissapointment

Yesterday I logged into my email to check the deal of the day message and was shocked at the great deal. I stupidly waited until 10 at night to buy it as just as I clicked on the link and the internet went off.

I was soo pissed off to have lost out on such a good deal. Has anyone else ever missed out on a great deal of the day or other sale/deal item?

well if you ask nicely (or just beg) one of the LH team might just let you have the item at yesterdays price! They're usually good like that ya see! The interwebs can be such a fail sometimes!

Hi MBS... yesterday's deal of the day was the Evolved Dream Maker Multi-Function Lunar Rabbit Vibrator but it's in the sale anyway, so it wasn't massively extra discounted yesterday...

It's still a bargain - not many left and a discontinued range!

Is it wrong when I'm on holiday and can't check the webs I sometimes worry I've missed something like a Tenga flip for £10?

Oh LH you tease me with your deal of the days! I so so wanted that rabbit because I've only ever had one rubbish fake years ago and it put me off! But the day before I'd decided to invest my money in the Squeel so I cant afford it just yet. I hope you have something like that again! Pref when I can afford to invest so more money into my sex toy addiction! lol. x x

WandA wrote:

Is it wrong when I'm on holiday and can't check the webs I sometimes worry I've missed something like a Tenga flip for £10?

lol if that ever happens i'll make a note to send one your way External Media

DesignDude wrote:

WandA wrote:

Is it wrong when I'm on holiday and can't check the webs I sometimes worry I've missed something like a Tenga flip for £10?

lol if that ever happens i'll make a note to send one your way External Media

I feel loved!External Media

Whoo thanks steve, I didn't notice it was in the sale.

Even though I shouldn't really be spending any moolar right now I still have to look at the deal of the day. I worry incase I miss something great if I don't.

These random awesome sales scare me! And WandA now you'll have me checking every 10 minutes for a tenner Tenga flip...