Design a Sex Toy 2014.... GO GO GO!

Scorpius12 wrote:

I have read the 50 Shades books and totally agree with BV. EL James has done wonders for opening people’s minds - making subjects such as bondage and d/s less of a taboo, which can only be a good thing.

For many, these books have re-kindled their love lives or opened their eyes to new experiences, for others it has helped them to come to terms with childhood abuse.

People must remember that the Fifty Shades books of fiction rather than a BDSM handbook and that the main character is by his own accounts ‘damaged’

Hopefully after reading her books, people will start to research the BDSM lifestyle for themselves and perhaps open up a side to their relationship they hadn’t realised could exist.

Quick question for Lucy - If you have submitted a design in the previous competition - can you re-submit it again this time around? Thanks! xx

Very true 50 Shades opened my eyes and purse hence why I am a LH addict lol

Is this competition limited to one entry per user or one per category or anything like that?

Last time I thought up several innovative and creative designs. All had been done. :(

That doesn't mean I wont be thinking of this topic hard again this year!

I'm so excited to see the entries, especially from the people who get to see last years entries, that are shown on Frisky Business tonight! Surely that is a head start and will help imaginations run wild! xx

WOW amazing good luck everyone

OK i've entered! I was actually designing whilst watching - it's completely left field and after finishing and seeing the winners - I realised I didn't stand a chance - but what the hell! What have I got to lose?! Submitted! Good luck to everyone else who enters too!

Just realised I didn't put my name on my entry....
I assumed that because I accessed the the link whilst signed into my account, it would automatically recognise me.... Or does it? Oops!

This was a bad idea!! Made my oh sit and watch the show last night & kept me awake most of the night thinking of silly ideas. 😩 never again haha