
Just know you guys can hopefully put my mind at rest or at least I hope so. My husband goes on my free cams what seems a lot and I know he has paid for private shows, does this mean anything, should I be worried?

i wouldnt be too worried as it is totally different to actually meeting the person i like to think of it as a sort of interactive porn i know you may feel this is worrying but the best way to express your feelings is by talking to him after all he is your husband im sure you have a strong bond between you and if you discussed your concerns he may put you at easex

If it's bothering you then ask him ! It may be nothing, it may be something but you won't know if you dont ask and it will at the very least give him a chance to explain ,:)

I don't really want to ask cause he has been swapping blood pressure medication for the last couple of months and some have had a side effect of a constant cough which is getting him down, which is probably why he does it I hope. I was hoping someone would say yeah it's fine nothing to worry about

Sit down with him and have a chat about it but stay calm and don't have an accusing tone...

Communication, communication, communication.

its really best you talk to him, every relationship is different, you need to discuss it and set your boundaries, i know I'd never let OH do anything like that and i would never. its important to discus where your boundaries are, he may not even see it as a bigdeal, just interactive porn whereas you see it as him being intimate with another woman

Well, it means he likes talking dirty to cam girls and wasting money really! It doesn't mean anything per say, but I can totally understand why it would mean something to you as I only discovered live cam sites exsisted because I found some in my partners browser history and became very insecure about it...

Don't be afraid to ask him why he does it or even just tell him you don't like him doing it. I hated my partner going on cam girl sites because to me, the interactive element was a bit too personal and felt a bit too close to actual cheating for my liking. I don't mind him watching porn, but chatting to another girl at the end of a computer screen and getting off on her/what she was doing for him? Nope. Just not something I can handle. We actually came to the compromise that we would watch live cams together or not at all, which keeps us both happy as there's no element of ignoring me/going behind my back to flirt with another woman and it's actually quite hot for me too as we have the same taste in ladies!

I don't think you should be worried, but if it makes you uncomfortable you should definitely have a talk with him about it.

Thanks guys I will have a talk to him

To me that's straight up cheating and not something i would tolerate.

I agree you should discuss it together, as every relationship is different. In my relationship that would be completely unacceptable for either of us to do, but perhaps you could both come to a compromise if it's something you think you could accept. If not, then it's important that you discuss that with him and let him know the reasons why.

Best of luck x

Thank you, it is really getting me down, i will definitely talk to him.

I can't say I woulden't be abit annoyed but I wouldn't be to fussed. As long as she was a stranger and he didn't plan on meeting her at any point. Xx

This may seem like a strage addition to this post, but if your husband is having a constant cough due to his new medication, you should go back to your GP. It's a fairly common side effect of certain BP medications, but there are others that don't have the same side effect but do the same job. You could ask about angiotensin II receptor antagonists such as lobesartan.

You may have already tried these, but I thought it might be worth pointing out. I'm only a medical student, but I remember our lecturers saying that with BP medication if a patient experiences constant cough it is a good reason to change medications and you GP should understand.

Just wanted to say thank you. We had a really good talk and sorted it all out. Wouldn't have asked him about it with you lot

Thank you he is going to the doctors regularly so hopefully we can sort this out soon but again thanks

I agree Virgin Angel, it would be 100% cheating to me and the relationship would be over, so I guess that goes to show how different we all are.

Glad you sorted it out and had a good talk MrsD :)