disapearing reviews

Anyone else having a problem with missing reviews?

I wrote 4 last night and only one of them is even showing up as awaiting approval, the others have just disapeared. I really don't want to rewrite them, I took ages on them :(

Mine usually does that . but when they get approved they all appear on your list!


Ah cool, after spending over 90mins writing 4 reviews & then they weren't showing I was bit freaked lol

This does happen but so does lost reviews. I always write mine in word so i can save it off

I don't know why but sometimes they will show up as Pending and other times they won't.

I have had a review go missing before! So I always do my reviews in a word document and save it, you can then either keep the word doc or 'bin it' once your review has been approved. Saves you having to type it out again if it does go missing. x

I used to panic when this happens too. I just make sure I type them on notepad or word first and cut and paste. That way they are saved

I usually just type mine on the website but after reading this thread I think I will opt for the safer option and put it in word to start with and save it just in case

I always write my reviews on notebook on iphone and delete them only once they are approved and live. :)

Cheshire, have a look at your profile - it should say how many reviews you have written. Check this against how many reviews you actually have on your profile. If a review is submitted but not listed, it will still show up in your total review count.

well 2 out of 4 have turned up and 1 photo!

Hi David - those numbers are completely different to each other, Think it's counted some reviews for items long out of stock on LoveHoney that I'd previously reviewed.

Hi Frozen Angel - I will be doing all mine in Word from now on :(

Discontinued/out-of-stock reviews stay on your profile, so if the number is different, I would say it's safe to say all reviews submitted ok.