Disturbing dreams

I had a rather disturbing dream the night before last!

I dreamt that my boyfriend and I swapped bodies, but in weird dream logic we hadn't really swapped bodies, I'd just grown a giant penis that would reach up to my belly button! All I had to do was touch it and I'd get a vertical erection. I was out in public and it was really embarrassing since it was impossible to hide under my clothes. I tried to tuck it in my waistband but it didnt work very well!

The night I had this dream I was gonna use my vibrators but didnt have time in the end, meaning I went to bed with loads of sexual energy. That's what I'm blaming for the dream. Still, I wonder what a dream analyst would make of this dream!

Has anyone else had any disturbing sexual dreams?

I really really hate feet. So, of course, I had a dream where I got off on someone touching and licking my feet. I was mortified when I woke up, to say the least. I've also had a dream where I lightly spanked a woman's vulva... with a spatula. I have no idea where that one came from, but it was fun!

nto exactly sexual but last night i dreamt i set fire to the stove (and tonight i set the fire alarms off!)

i do have sexual dreams, usually theyre not disturbing. but the ones where i am having sex with inanimate objects, puppets and teddys and stuf like that scare me

I don't really have any "sex" dreams that are disturbing!

But lately I've been having dreams about teeth! Two where my teeth fall out, and one where I had extra teeth growing in my mouth: on my gums, under my tongue and on the roof of my mouth.

I don't know why I keep having these dreams!

I used to have this terrifying dream as a child all about shadows and bombs and a little girl posting a letter but it was the sound that was the scariest, even now if I hear a similar sound I am terrified for the rest of the night and have to shut my eyes tightly and sing songs to myself til I fall asleep!


I don't have many sex dreams..more bizarre and vivid ones. Teeth dreams are not pleasant! My dad has false teeth having knocked most of them out playing rugby when young, so I have a deep fear of losing all my teeth before I'm 30! The OH being pregnant in a recent dream was odd.

I don't like sex dreams, they always keep me half awake and I always end up realising it's 4am and I'm subconsciously masturbating! Which of course I then have to finish off, but then I just wake up really tired as a result :P

I often have dreams where my teeth come loose and I slowly pull them all out. There's blood everywhere, and when I wake up I spend the rest of the night pulling on my teeth checking that they're not about to come away in my hand.

I've just been reminded! A few weeks ago I had a rather erotic lesbian dream. I'm completely straight so it was rather weird.

I didnt get up to much since in the dream we were having issues with achieving privacy!

AdnaW wrote:

I don't really have any "sex" dreams that are disturbing!

But lately I've been having dreams about teeth! Two where my teeth fall out, and one where I had extra teeth growing in my mouth: on my gums, under my tongue and on the roof of my mouth.

I don't know why I keep having these dreams!

I used to have this terrifying dream as a child all about shadows and bombs and a little girl posting a letter External Media but it was the sound that was the scariest, even now if I hear a similar sound I am terrified for the rest of the night and have to shut my eyes tightly and sing songs to myself til I fall asleep!


Oh my god. In my culture, teeth falling out means something bad is going to happen. I don't believe this, but it is weird how the day I had a dream my teeth fell out, my grandma died. *dramatic music*

Teeth falling out is a very common dream that usually represents insecurity about somethign (usually, but not always your appearence)....this is one of about four things I learned from psychology AS level before I dropped it!
