Does having the snip really hurt.

Hi I am due to have the snip in a couple of weeks and was wondering are the after effects really painful,I am the first of my friends to have it done so I can't ask them have any of you got any tips to help I am due to go to the football a couple of days after the procedure.

Hi I'm 26 and iv had 4 operations on my testicles and yeah it's slightly uncomfortable but bearable keyhole surgery is pretty good buddy :-)

I had mine done 12 years ago, I was very nervous too and, like you, didnt know anyone else who had had it done to ask about it.

My Doctor was brilliant, made me feel at ease and talked me through the whole procedure. My OH was allowed in with me and sat at the bedside talking to me to help take my mind off things.

They first rub on iodine liquid to your balls then give you a local anesthetic into your scrotum. They cut the sack which just feels like i slight scratch and then go in and find the tube. Once they have the tube they cut it and then seal it. I dont remember any pain during this procedure after the initial cut. They then stictch up the cut and repeat the procedure on the other side.

I dont remember it being painful at anytime, just a little uncomfortable, and was all over in about 20 mins. The stitches were dissolvables ones, mine didnt dissolve to well so i had to go back and have then taken out which hurt more than the op itself :)

After you've healed they call you back to give live samples of your sperm so they can test it to make sure the op was succesfull.

Hope this helps and good Luck!!

Just been done (5 days ago). The operation was fine, really good team, friendly and supportive. No pain during the operation, just a few scratches with the injections and slight tugging and the smell of burning when quaterising.
Since the operation I have ejaculated twice with no pain at all. However, I am finding it a little more uncomfortable with slight bruising and sensitive tubes. Just using the usual pain management and ice packs. I'd definitely suggest taking it easy for the first week as I think the pain is from being too active. Having said this we have been talking about having sex tonight. Wish me luck.

Oh btw no stitches at my surgery and no issues with the wounds, knitted back nicely.

My hubby had the snip about 18m ago. in and out in 20 minutes. tiniest cut you've evr seen. blink and you'd miss it. he came home took 2 paracetamol and did nothing fpr the rest of the day. and that was that. had sex about a week later no problems. he even said it doesn't feel any different.

all i can say it looked a lot less painful than having a baby. x

Had mine done about 18 years ago. One of the best decsions made. The opp itself wasnt painful at all. I had some spectacular bruising a few days after and was uncomfortable for about a week, but nothing a coupelfo paracetmaol didnt deal with.

Iwish wrote:

Hi I am due to have the snip in a couple of weeks and was wondering are the after effects really painful,I am the first of my friends to have it done so I can't ask them have any of you got any tips to help I am due to go to the football a couple of days after the procedure.

Hi had mine done 12 years ago no issues. If when you say going to football in a couple of days after, you mean playing I wouldnt advise it.

The main thing is do as your told after. Infection is the main issue keep it clean and dry. Be careful when taking a pee. Keep some steriwipes by the loo , when you have a pee wipe and dry the wounds in case you've got pee on it. Remember no matter how good hygienicley you are a loo seat will have bacteria on it take care when sitting on it. I would wait 5 to 7 days to be sure if you don't want any issues. Immediately after you will have a dull ache when the local wears off.

All the bad things I have seen or heard of are when blokes don't do as their told. It feels fine, I can do what I want, they do to much it gets hot and sweaty or strain it. Then you can get an infection and that does bloody hurt and can swell very badly.

So take this as a friendly piece of advice , if you don't want pain then do as your told.

Sorry iwish, well well worth it I've got to agree with thumpingrug.


I had mine done 3 years ago, I was very nervous in the weeks leading up to it but everything went fine.I had it done on a Thursday which then gave me a long weekend to rest before going back to work.It was a bit uncomfotable but was back having sex a week later.

Having had it done some time ago, I recall it was a quick operation without pain; probably had a local at the time. Much swelling and discomfort a few days later. Sizewise I was like an Olympic sprinter but couldn't run. That lasted a week or so.

Playing football soon after - you'll be lucky. GG gives sound advice which I endorse.

I'm not playing football my playing days are long gone,just going to watch but a long drive and then walking to the ground and then sitting and standing for 90 plus minutes.

Had mine done a couple of years ago, was no problem at all. Be honest has worst times at dentist. Should be ok to watch footie just take things easy

Good luck

I've not had it but a mate at work said it was quick, painless and not long before he was having sex again!

Iwish wrote:

I'm not playing football my playing days are long gone,just going to watch but a long drive and then walking to the ground and then sitting and standing for 90 plus minutes.

Iwish, that should be ok. Enjoy.