Does using an insertable toy bring on a period?

Yesterday I was using a vibrator and I noticed that when I was finished, there was dark brown discharge which is what I get before my period starts. I've noticed this happen a few times before but I never had my period, just discharge for a little while so I figured I was just a little rough with myself.

But this morning there was actual blood and my period has started properly. So is this just my period starting on its own or does using an insertable toy make it arrive earlier?

Just your normal period I think.

Sometimes I've had sex and then my period has just seemed to appear...

perhaps orgasms and muscle contraction gets things going a bit quicker? Also, increased blood flow in the area...

Just a coincidence I think x. Periods tend to arrive when they're ready, or at least in my experience they do x

If i have rough sex i come on slightly early and my periods are always on time


Luv bunny wrote:

Sometimes I've had sex and then my period has just seemed to appear...

perhaps orgasms and muscle contraction gets things going a bit quicker? Also, increased blood flow in the area...

Yeah my friend had that same situation. She thought she was pregnant because her period came early lol

Do you have an IUD? It is easy to bump and cause spotting.

I actually read an article a while ago now that if you have sex (rough sex is even better) while on your period, your period lasts for less time as it helps get things 'moving'. I don't remember where I read it, but I'm sure a google search would bring back some interesting results.

I personally find that sex does help my periods a lot. It reduces the pain and they tend to not last as long. I also find that if I am due on and I have sex with my partner it will bring it on faster.

If I have sex or masturbate before I'm due I tend to come on a bit earlier, might be the uterine contractions from orgasming but I'm not sure.

I've heard that having orgasms whilst on your period can make it end earlier - again I think it's all to do with the internal contractions that cause it to go quicker! But I'm not too sure about actually making your period start early!

A vibrator on it's own wont bring on your period, if you're due to come on the contractions you get during an orgasm can bring on your period a bit sooner i find sometimes if i'm at the end of mine orgasm contractions will get any remaining residue out the way till the next month

Ahh I see. Thanks for the info guys :)

i am not sure it would but have had sex that has braught on a period