Does Your Other Half Talk or Think About Sex

I tend to think about sex lot or my hobby(sad I know) to avoid the day to day stuff bills etc but thinking about sex makes me wont the wife more.

The thing is that its rare that she will ever talk about sex let alone think about I believe,I have mention it in the hope of getting her going but this tends to have a negative effect where she is less likely to wont sex.

We do have sex not allot but most of the time its when she wants it there's no build up its like she has a switch and only she knows where it is,I have tried to find it but with no luck.

When the switch is on things are bloody good but I would like bit more of a warning.

Am I alone?

not at all, i think about sex all the time and when I talk about it all the time to the missus, it pisses her off, and I get none, so I am with you on that one!

I think about sex a fair amount. Sometimes I think I even think about it even more than my boyfriend! I'm probably a special case though!

Hi "I Wish", join the club, that sounds very familiar! Apart from the part about in being bloody good when you do get it.

I often wonder if I have the mind of a man as most things remind me of or make me think of sex =S. My OH and I chat about sex quite a bit actually, usually when we think we will be free of the kids to have a proper session or what type of things we like off LH and would like to try, or infact how lol.

Me and the OH but think about sex and talk about it a lot. We flirt a lot as well.

I think about sex quite a lot. My OH and I do talk about it a lot too. Think it helps in a relationship when you can quite openly talk about sex, likes, dislikes, things you want to try, don't want to try.

It will be interesting to see if this is a male or female thing do any of the womens OH not interested in sex?

Luckily, hubby & I both think about it a lot and talk about it a lot.

Maybe a bit too much because we're so used to talking about it together that we sometimes end up talking about it outside of the home

Ecksvie wrote:

I think about sex a fair amount. Sometimes I think I even think about it even more than my boyfriend! I'm probably a special case though!

You aren't a special case, I'm quite sure I'm more sexually minded than my boyfriend altho he's growing into it (he was a virgin when we met and from what I gather, not entirely sexually interested then) he's fine going without or having it everyday but sometimes it flustrates me, coz being insecure I think it reflects on how he feels about me, deep down I know it means nothing other than I get get hot under the collar a lot more than him haha. :)

I like talking/thinking about sex. Sometimes if a guy brings it up all the time or at unfitting times it can become irritating and make me think they're only after one thing. But then I find it equally annoying if I feel like a bit of dirty talk at a random moment and they're unresponsive lol, women eh.

Well both me and Ad naturally talk about sex a fair bit!

I think these forums are great for encouraging communication about sex between partners, helps you say things you never would think of otherwise.

my oh and me talk about sex and what we are going to do to each other it's a great turn on

I think about sex a lot. She reads erotic fiction. We don't talk about sex nearly as much as that would imply. In fact, she seems so uncomfortable talking about it that I've gone quite coy as well. Grrrrr. Communication issues, to add to my list of things to sort out!

My OH and I do talk about sex quite a lot when the time is right. Deffo loads of sexy picture texts and webcam chat, emails and the such.

When alone we do talk about sex quite a bit as it is an important part of our relationship, when the kids are around we are more criptic. We text quite a bit too but as he drives a lot I normally have to wait for my reply. Over the years my dear husband has had fun warping my mind in the best way and we probably think about sex as much as each other now.

I would say I talk about sex more than my Husband, tho it used to be the other way round and every other word of his was sex-related! I wish he'd bring sex up more as it's fun and flirty and all part of foreplay. I'm always leaving toys and lubes and things out of the drawers, so that usually provokes a sexy comment, tho I don't do that intentionally, I'm just darn forgetful!

I've noticed my Husband becoming shy-er since his job has become more demanding - think it could be a classic case of powerful at work/vulnerable at home...?

I agree with ChipNroll - it can be frustrating when it's brought up at completely the wrong moment tho!!!

I think about sex more than I talk about sex with my OH, cos we normally just do the sex lol

I do talk alot about sex to my friends though... my OH enjoys it when we talk about sex, which is normally cheeky as then we just get down to it...

I definitely talk about sex more than my OH he just hints... and its so obvious when he does it's cute!!


We're also rather blunt now... "Gizza blowjob" or "Let me suck your clit" are quite normal phrases for us now.

WandA wrote:

We're also rather blunt now... "Gizza blowjob" or "Let me suck your clit" are quite normal phrases for us now.

Hehe! Yes!

We talk about sex - not just "our" sex, but sex in general - as casually as "normal" people discuss the weather. We have long in depth discussions, flirty chat, blunt "I want sex" chat and casual "do you fancy a quickie" chat. Because we've talked so openly for so long we can get away with saying things that are more blunt and "to the point" than other couples might choose to but it's just the way we are.
