
So, the one thing that stops me from indulging in a bit of bum fun more often is the hassle of the clean up beforehand.

I’m currently using the Colt Anal Douche Kit, which pretty much does what it says on the tin, but it’s a bit of a faff really.

Can anyone recommend something better?

Has anyone used an attachment that attaches to the shower, and is it any better than using a traditional douching bulb?

Thanks all! x

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Scrap the douche and bang straight in :joy::joy:

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Not for me I’m afraid… slightest bit of, shall we call it Nutella, and it just really turns me off. I know some people might like that, different strokes for different folks and all that, but I’m not one of them :grinning:

It’s not that we “like that” but we just deal with it if it happens.

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Believe me, there are people out there who “like that”, I’ve seen the videos! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The basic bulb kit does the job perfectly. Just make sure you’ve ‘dropped the kids off at the pool’ if you feel the need, then give yourself a couple of squirts with the bulb douche. It’s easy to check to see if anything comes out and if necessary just repeat until it doesn’t. Simple, quick and effective.

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I prefer using the shower head as it’s lesser a hassle but really what ever method you choose it’s gonna need effort putting in.

The positives of a bulb kit is you have better control over water temperature than a shower head as need to make sure you get the right setting that’s not gonna burn your butt out or freeze it up lol
But having said that, in a read up I saw a while back on the web it says cold water actually speeds things up!

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I do believe that @Melody1 has such a thing and rather enjoys same. No doubt they’ll be along in a minute to give you chapter and verse. :slightly_smiling_face:

:joy::rofl::joy::rofl: Pleased Nutella doesn’t taste like that…

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I wasn’t suggesting that scat play wasn’t a thing. Just that it’s not our thing.


We have the type that fits on the shower hose works very well, shop around and they can be bought for little over a fiver, note DO NOT use on a electric shower unit( pumped OK ) could be an issue if you have kids in the house?

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We have a separate bath and shower, the bath has it’s own tap and shower head, so was thinking of using that. Should be easy enough to find a desirable enough temperature from the tap and then switch it over to the shower heard I think.

A hose long enough to reach the loo is desirable

Hi @mikeormick I have used the below shower attachment and found it to be the best I have used.

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Just dont overdo it with the frequency or volume. From what I have read, your bowels have a delicate balance of good and bad bacteria, too much flushing disrupts this and can lead to complications.

Also, if you use too much water, you can actually start the defecation process by triggering your internals to empty, so even if you appear clear, poo can start to make its way down and interrupt play anyway.

So long as you have had a bowel movement 30-60 mins before play, a quick shower and a clean around the outside (or just inside, like a knuckle worth) should suffice.

If you play back there though, shit will happen, its inevitable and you just have to learn to deal with it.


Back in the day I used a shower head attachment. Lovehoney sells one with the correct douching nozzle at one end but I don’t know if the hose is long enough to reach a toilet or bidet and i wouldn’t advise using it in a shower or bathtub. Of course you could fit one to a correctly threaded tap in a nearby sink. I rigged mine by attaching a double port directly to the shower pipe so I could have both my regular shower hose and the douching hose. I found this system to be the most sanitary, mess free and effective.

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@Senator You make good points. Preserving gut bacteria is very important, which is another reason to use plain water at low pressure and no chemical/soap/coffee additives. And you are right to emphasise not overdoing the cleaning. Keep it gentle! :sweat_drops:

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