DVD Hit list required for hot movies

Hi guys

I need your help in compiling a list of hot steamy dvd movies but not the hard core porno stuff .Soft porn is fine though as long as the movie has a story . She likes watching steamy hot movies with a glass or 2 of wine prior to activity in the bedroom to help her to get her in the mood after a hard dfay at work..To give you some ideas of the types 91/2 weeks , 50 Shades ( when it come out, Wild Orchid , Tinto Brass Italian films, Red shoe Diaries etc.

Cheers guys

Bound is excellent,the movie the Wachowski siblings made before The Matrix,trust me!

If you're into bdsm, not hardcore porn, but real movies I can recommend

The night porter from 1974 with Charlotte Rampling


The Secretary

Both of them fascinating.

I loved the secretary

pinkanimal wrote:

I loved the secretary

Check the Night porter as well, then, pink

Here are a few other sexy movies I've watched which I enjoyed :) xx

Unfaithful - actually quite steamy

Too Moon Junction

Eyes Wide Shut

Basic Instinct 1 & 2

American Gigalo

Def eyes wide shut uf u can get past tom cruise and nicole kidman and
bitter moon by roman polenski.. classic
Wolf on wall street great true story loads of sex

check out this list http://www.buzzfeed.com/louispeitzman/50-movies-that-are-sexier-than-fifty-shades-of-grey?fb_action_ids=10152689976759205&fb_action_types=og.shares#.iu299wGyV

Unfaithful - one of my favourite steamy movies

Savage Grace - hot but what could make it unsexy for some is it's depiction of an incestuous relationship

Betty Blue - what i've watched of it is basically porn

Officer & a Gentleman - steamy in parts

pinkanimal wrote:

I loved the secretary

me too, one of my favourite ever films

Thanks guys.

Certainly some for getting along with :)

Would second the vote for Betty Blue. As a student I had a huge poster of the film above my bed. I don't know how old you are but as a teenager I remember some of the infamous Channel 4 Red Triangle films were as sexy as hell, although by todays standard they would probably be tame.

I have vivid memories of a remote controlled tank with a dildo strapped onto it being driven between a girls legs.