Editing or deleting posts

I was curious whether or not a registeted user could edit or delete previous posts made by them or if the posted info was available for as long as the threads are open. It seems to me that we all speak very openly on the forum possibly due to the anonimity but should your forum identity become known by someone you do not want to see your posts , this could be very awkward so wondered how this is handled. Any thoughs or comments on this?

It's not possible. But if you're genuinely concerned about leaving some personal information online you could contact customer care and make them aware of the situation, and I'm sure in certain circumstances they would be able to help you out.

However, in future I would just be aware that what you post here can be see by anyone.

I tend to post with the 'Would I say this to someone face to face' since anything you do on the web is always on the web, the information is always available even when deleted. So I've never really had the worry that if someone found out who I was, my friends all know what I do, as does my family. I'm as open offline as I am online.

Yes, that's correct. Forum members cannot remove any posts. But you can still edit your posts within 5 minutes of posting them if you would like to change anything in what you've said.

Hope this helps :)

I think you just have to be careful what you post. I post some revealing things but never anything that is too personal that it would reveal my identity.

Careful is the keyword. I shared a wishlist yesterday with myself to see what info a recipient would get and noted that my avatar name was given with the wishlist and from that, it is easy to see what posts or reviews I had added and hence a partial puchase history could be established. Since toys etc are generally quite personal I suspect that I am not the only one that does not automatically want my partner to know all purchases so I either need to A) uy the " personal" toys outside of my account OR B) not share any wishlists with my OH or ofcourse C) not post anything i dont want my OH to be able to see are from me. Options A and C are the best for me since sharing a wishlist is a great way to encourage more purchases for our fun. Anyone else felt the same way and if so, what is your solution?

To be honest this is not something I would ever consider to be a problem, since I share everything with my partner. I never say anything I wouldn't say to his face and I certainly never "hide" my personal items from him.

If anything I would consider that a solution here would be to be more open with your partner, about what you buy and what you discuss? Communication is key, and so is consideration. If you're making posts about things you would rather hide from your partner perhaps you should consider whether making them is the right choice?
Maybe usea secondary account if you are discussing/purchasing birthday gifts etc but apart from that I don't really see it as an issue in an closed, long-term relationship.

Why would you not want your partner knowing what you're buying?

I do ask for advice sometimes and wouldn't necessarily want oh to see. Just Coz some are sensitive subjects that he wouldn't like Me mentioning but sometimes I need advice

However all toys I buy he knows about.

I tell OH everything I buy and get as testers and most of the stuff we talk about except for when I ask advice about him :P

Then again I don't mastubate and don't have any toys for just me, everything is teamwork :P

I can't edit recent posts anymore. Normally you get 5 minutes and I always notice typos and can't bear to leave them, but now it won't save changes :-(

Lovehoney - Stephanie wrote:

StHubbins wrote:

I can't edit recent posts anymore. Normally you get 5 minutes and I always notice typos and can't bear to leave them, but now it won't save changes :-(

Is the post in question one with emoticons in it? For some reason the forum won't save edits to posts with images/emoticons in them. Sorry about that!

That's good to know. It does work without emoticons.

I thought your previous post was directed at me at first and thought it was a bit harsh as I only wanted to correct a typo ![](upload://kym5tZ5EfyJxs6TKHB1Q2HtGSpK.gif)

I also only notice my typo's once it too late! I did try to create a 2nd account just for wishlists but since my email address is already registered against B52 , I was not able to do that so was considering cancelling my current account and starting a new one but that would mean not posting on the forum etc which would be a shame as it is a very useful place for discussions such as these. BTW, no offense is taken from others comments as this is an open forum and we are all different and entitled to our own views. My relationship is simply not as open as some othe folks may be.