Name change...

Recently changed my screen name on here as I got paranoid someone I know would clock it was me 😳...silly I know but they mentioned they go on this site read forums etc so I freaked stayed off for a few wks and have changed my name, anyone else got paranoid people they know will clock them on here ?

Not really. If they're on here in the first place, they're just going the same as you aren't they. There's nothing here to be ashamed or embarrassed about :-)

no, my friend knows im on here and if she joins I dont mind as long as she doesnt share personal information on here x

Ooh no I don't like the thought anyone I know would know what I'm into in the bedroom lol. it was a women at work and she was pulling faces about things she'd read on here, stuff she mentioned seemed quite normal to me but she was shocked 😂...

Pink animal me and my friends do sometimes talk about what we are into etc but everything's always quite vanilla if I ever mention anything out of the norm They look shocked lol reason I joined this site so I could get advice from like minded people and I can remain anonymous x

only two of my friends know and they think its cool lol

If I wasn't annonymous then I wouldn't be so open and honest. There's things I've said on here that only my OH knows, so I wouldn't be bothered if friends knew I posted on here, but I would change what I post.

My mum knows I'm on here lol she shouted up stairs the other day to say 'stop posting on LH and get your access course work done' haha
She's not bothered by it in the slightest, I always tell her/show her things that I'm planning on buying/have bought.

I feel better now just for changing my screen name my old one was abit to personal to me, As was the picture I used it's was similar to a tattoo I've got lol, ahh butterfly bee that made me lol oh god id be mortified if my family knew I was on here with some of the things I've wrote lol to them I'm like the Virgin Mary (I hope anyway) haha

butterflybee wrote:

My mum knows I'm on here lol she shouted up stairs the other day to say 'stop posting on LH and get your access course work done' haha
She's not bothered by it in the slightest, I always tell her/show her things that I'm planning on buying/have bought.

I wish my mum was like that! The other day I told her how fun it seems to work in a "toy store" and she looked at me funny and said "do you even know anything about sex toys?" in that very dismissive tone mums can have.

Haha it's great having the type of relationship with my parents (yes I talk to my dad about it too) where I can tell them anything and everything.
I kind of take the view that everyone has sex and it's completely normal, so why be embarrassed/scared to talk about it.
I can totally understand why some people would find it embarrassing though, and maybe if I had been brought up differently I would as well. In my teenage years I did find it much more embarrassing, but now I'm in my late 20's it's just normal for me to discuss things like that with my parents :-)

having bring brought up a staunch catholic I don't think the "catholic guilt" ever really leaves re sex...think it's great some people can have a open relationship with there parents but it's not for me especially regarding anything sexual

god i wouldnt tell my mum!

I do worry a little bit, but then I think who would really care? I'm not sharing anything here that I wouldn't tell a close friend or lover in conversation. Though I would be mortified if my parents read my posts here! Thing is I don't think my parents would be as mortified as me, they're pretty open about sex stuff now that we're all adults.

edit: Wrong thread!