Embarrassing times (not sex)

I was trying to think of a appropriate title so LH women can add their embarrassing times, I’m not sure if they can on this one.

Embarrassing errection times: Maybe women have embarrassing nipple errection times :man_shrugging:

I had a hospital appointment the doctor (female) asked me to take off my trousers and as I took off off my jeans boing​:banana::see_no_evil:

Another time I was in a gym i was waiting for this woman to finish on one of the running machines i was talking to her and dam that thing made a noticeable bulge in my shorts, I was new there and she was telling me she regularly goes to this gym I felt so embarrassed I never went back. I know we cant control it when it happens it happens.


Lol through puberty I remember I’d have loads of random erections at all the most awkward times when at school or in public and I’d often try hiding it with baggy clothes or holding stuff in front of me :sweat_smile:

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My most embarrassing time was being with a guy that couldn’t get inside me no matter what. It was as if his one eyed snake just peeked in, had a look, and doubled back on itself saying no way was it going in there. I’d never had that before, and ain’t had it since thank goodness. I thought it was just a case of point and play with you guys but not point and about turn :see_no_evil:

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What about men?

Technically according to the rules you shouldnt target a question at just one segment of forum society. :wink:

@Rob36 Think you haven’t read my post properly. It’s about mens errections and I added for women to add theirs maybe nipple errections.

No rules have been broken :+1:


@Amunique that must of been a awkward embarrassing moment for you.

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It sure was @teacake, I thought there was something wrong with me. A few months later I realised there was nothing wrong in that department. The guy’s had kids, so nothing wrong with him either.


First time I met Laura’s parents… it was a long long time ago of teenage years, we got to her house after a long walk I really needed a poo, asked to use their toilet, and OMFG what came out must of been in there for years everyone could smell it but no one said a word just quietly judging me and my foul smell lol :joy: there was no hiding it I just had to accept it lol, moving forward 18 years they have recently moved 1hr20mins away the first visit to their brandnew 5 bed house all perfect after a long drive with the kids, can you guess what happens…. This time though in the downstairs toilet but I just went into the living room and said I wouldn’t breath I just done a massive shit and you all are going to smell it lol :joy: but all this time together makes things like that nothing lol :joy: they are my family now too well after the 3rd of sept we will be married lol


My most embarrassing moment was a year ago on a date. Picked what I thought was a nice outfit (t-shirt and some shorts)

We went and played crazy golf and 3 holes into an 18 hole course my shorts split right up the back exposing my black lace knickers :see_no_evil:

My date laughed at first but also didn’t know about that side of me and seemed shocked by my very girly choice of underwear. The worst bit by far was the family behind us with the mum clearly disgusted (in hindsight I think she was jealous I’m sexier than her :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

We couldn’t finish the golf and left. He did come back to mine afterwards and those lacey knickers ended up ripped off too​:wink:

It had a happy ending but the first part left me mortified!

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edited by mod Today if someone noticed I had one on, I wouldn’t care less. Saying that, even though my wife is a fan I’m not sat in the living room with a whale tail haha. It wasn’t always like that though, there’s been a couple times where I’ve wanted the ground to swallow me up.

The first time was at college. I’d picked a couple friends up (female) on route and stopped to get petrol. When I got back in the car they both started giggling and one went “I wondered where my blue thong went”. Well my jaw hit the floor and I went bright red. They teased me for a short while, questioned my sexuality and even put Sisqo on the bluetooth. When I pulled up at college I begged them not to tell anyone, which as far as I know they didn’t. They did bribe me with giving them a month of free rides to college though haha.

When they were getting out the car, the one in the back said “fairs fair” and flashed the back of her yellow thong, so that wasn’t bad at all (went on to date her but that’s a different story). Although they’d tease here and there they gave me a lot of confidence at the time and even took me underwear shopping a couple times.


@Sergio32 Similar thing happened to me a school. Forgot it was a pe day and was wearing a hot pink thong. Pulled my trousers slightly, some people saw started laughing. I pulled the trousers straight up and run to the toilet and threw up. Led to lots of gossip and bullying for a while :disappointed:

Oh god that’s awful and I bet that would’ve been a really difficult time. Sounds silly now but when I wore them to school I’d wear a pair of boxers on top, I was petrified that I’d have a situation like your golf incident.

There was a time when I was out with my wife and I thought my jeans had ripped a little over on the rear pocket. She looked, chuckled and said it was alright (thankfully). I said you can’t see my thong can you and she no just a bit of your cheek. I think my shirt covered the rip when I was stood but I can’t work out why I thought it would be worse if people saw a little bit of a thong vs. a bare cheek haha

Yeah it was a difficult time. Now it’s very different, in the gym I get changed very slowly. Get some ignorant comments but you can tell most guys enjoy it :blush:

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Last night at work. I work on obstetrics recovery, so basically mums who have gone to theatre to have there babies
It was my 3rd night shift, last patient of the night, her sister in law came to be here birth partner. But I assumed it was her mum.
We were chatting and said “but your mum said” she says oh I’m not her mum I’m her sister in law
So embarrassing, never assume anything and apologised perfusly and blamed the nights

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There was a lovely old couple i always used to see whilst walking my dog, we always had a chat and let our dogs sniff each other.
One day the husband told me he was going for a biopsy on a growth on his ear.
As we said goodbye i said “I hope you get a positive result”
As soon as the words left my mouth i knew i should have used the word “Outcome”

“Result” and “Outcome” both mean the same but not in that context!

I apologised and we laughed about it, but i was so embarrassed!

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I’m often doing deliveries and we put long items on the roof. One day had to remove something from the roof.

Jumped out and got on the little step ladder started reaching up to the rack and wrapping it back on then just as was finishing wrapping it I feel my jeans sliding down (you know sometimes you’ve worn the jeans few days they go baggy but been driving and take your belt off)

as I start to feel them sliding down I hear some whooping and laughing I quickly turn and see 3 women probably between age 25-45 looking at me as I’m trying to get off a ladder and pull my jeans up! I said sorry but they seemed very happy and was like no worries made our day!
The worst thing is I had a small red mesh thong on that is 99% see thru!

My embarrassing time…. About a year after me and MrsToysrus got together, we were watching porn together and the male actor had really smooth balls, in my head I thought how was it that smooth? Shaving could leave a few hairs, some stubble or nicks, waxing, well that’s painful and I’d imagine not the top option, so I thought it must be hair removal cream, I had a few days off and we were planning a hot and sexy few days, while in the shower I noticed MrsToysrus’s hair removal cream, I thought I would surprise her with a nice set of smooth balls, I thought I would shower first then cream up so it didn’t wash straight off, I read the instructions and creamed my balls up, after the required time had passed I gave them a quick dunking in the sink, and thought, yeah they look good! What I didn’t consider is the wrinkles, and the cream that was left in there! After a few more minutes the burning started! When I realised my mistake and told MrsToysrus she said I best go clean them off properly very quickly, so I did, but the damage was already done, my balls suffered chemical burns, they were bright red and massively swollen! I couldn’t move for all of my days off, I had to lie on my back for days, when I had to move for the toilet or food I had to cradle my balls like a newborn baby or the pain would flair up like hell on my balls! Needless to say our wild weekend didn’t happen, and I have never once used hair removal cream again! Nowadays a razor and a bit of patience gets my balls the desired look!

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