Favourite Sport Person or Team

Sebastian Vettel :drooling_face: my ex used to love F1, and it was at the time Vettel was up and coming…

Now I don’t really watch sports.

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Right now I’m a big Emma Radacanu fan, she has such a big future ahead of her especially if she can win some more tennis matches.


Lei Chong Wei - Fantastic badminton player, his speed and skill is glorious to watch when in full flight.
Nozomi Okuhara - 5ft nothing badminton player who just keeps going and going, a true “never give up” approach.

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Saw the might Blades away at Rovers in the early 80s in the snow - lost 4-0 and you guys put bricks through all our coach windows for the journey back. Aaaaah, the good old days :grin:



Valentina Shevchenko! :grin:

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Aberdeen FC sadly. Shame we live in the past and compare everything to the Alex Ferguson era (yes he was our manager before Man Utd).

Individual sports person has to be Tyson Fury.


Aberdeen are my Scottish team, always look for their result each Saturday… I’m a Stoke city fan for my sins…


This weekend it will be The European Ryder cup team… :eu: :eu: :eu:

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Tom Daley :briefs:


Gerald Davies, International Welsh rugby player in the 70’s who played on the wing. I’ve actually met him and his wife in person whilst working and he was a true gentleman, his wife was very elegant, both were approachable and down to earth.
A true legend in the rugby scene, evidenced on YouTube.