Featured Members

Hi, just wondering how do you get your pic, on the Featured members bit. just above the Most active bit.. It is just randomly picked?

Looks likely! You'll come up on there eventually but they do have a fair few to choose form!

G' morning Imelda, thanx


Randoml Lovely, so wait long enough and up you pop!!!Try to talk LH into setting up a text service when you are the featured member eh !!


ok, thanx, dunno about trying to talk LH into setting up a text service tho, as by the time we receive the text, gone to the LH web site, this pic may have moved onto someone else, as i've noticed it changes quite quickly.

LH would have to do a lot of texting lol.

Well it's not a thing l can do Luvly - is it !!! ha ha.


well I guess not. tell me tallboy, what can you do?

i also have never turned up on the featured member area! lol after 4 years i would hope they noticed me lurking about already hehe xxxxxxx

lil know secret....I'm sure it'll happed before the end of the decade haha..wow you have been around! not in a nasty way, as in you've been here for 3 years...good going.

purplejools wrote:

i'm sure i've seen u up there as the featured member at one point lil_known_secret!

So have I loads of times

you are now i fact

Talk you through a horny moment eh Luvly, champagne or champagneless moments !!!


Yea, lilknown l am sure l have seen you there as well....


well, i've just returned from my horny moment...ur just a little too late...I like that supersex bullet vibe..purrrr!!!

You tease Luvly, you are lurking in the background are you not, come come now confess all !!!


No, seriously, I'm all done and dusted now.....for now...chilled....but only for a short while...I'm hungry!!!

Salami type offering here !!!


oh my!! behave urself. I'm innocent

No such thing Luvly!!! time for Miss Botty to meet Mr Spank l fear!!


Ooooh, can I watch?