Feeling coldy? A wank in the morning always seems to help!

Is anyone else the same as me, in that when you are feeling coldy and unwell, you find that having a wank (NOT for any sexual reason but just to get those feelings to rush around in your body) in the morning in bed seems to make you feel a little bit better??

I’m not a Doctor haha but each time I’m coldy I always end up doing this (and drinking lots of orange juice) and it always seems to help me towards feeling a little better!

Anyone else?! :joy:


This is usually my first step on the road to recovery :joy: If self time doesn’t do the trick I know I’ll probably be down and out for a day or two

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Haha that’s very true! If it doesn’t help then it’s going to be a bad one! :joy:

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That makes total sense as it gives the same rush of endorphins that you get from exercise which is also said to help with colds as gets the airways to expand and blood pumping around creating adrenaline which makes us feel better!


That 100% makes sense! The science proves it haha! :grinning:


Definitely, though had a couple of bad experiences when I’ve had a headache too. It obviously makes those worse.

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Yes that could help. I always find it a bit hard to enjoy and cum from a wank first thing in the morning. If my wife is helping me a lot easier.

If it’s just me by myself my Penis never seems fully woken up and doesn’t feel as good as normal. I think I need to get up for a bit and move around and drink some water to hydrate before going in for the wank :laughing:

Never tried it but will give the natural medication a go next time I’m suffering :hugs::+1: