Chaps, do you get chilly once you've come?

It's something my OH and I have wondered if it's just him or if other men have the same reaction. After he comes he gets really cold as though all his heat has left his body with the 'fluid'. Does anyone else experience this or is he just weird (that's what I tell him )

um, no can't say I've noticed this. Usually I'm pretty warm after sex (exertion etc), so I tend to lay back and try and cool off, so I guess thats the opposite?

I definitely get all shivery and need the blankets over me after I've come, and I'm a girl!

SS xx

TC69, it must just be him then! Doesn't matter how much he's exerted himself he always gets cold.

SS, I get warm after. I suppose that's good as I can pass on some of my heat.

not chilly, but shivery yea.the shivery sensation can sometimes be confused for coldness and affects 1-15 men/woman. its just a reaction to physical strain. if you think about it, orgasming uses are alot of energy, so much so that could compare it to dead lifting a car

athletes can experience the feeling too

mrbumps wrote:

not chilly, but shivery yea.the shivery sensation can sometimes be confused for coldness and affects 1-15 men/woman. its just a reaction to physical strain. if you think about it, orgasming uses are alot of energy, so much so that could compare it to dead lifting a car

athletes can experience the feeling too

Yeah you're right, it's probably some sort of adrenalin rush come down.

sharry wrote:

mrbumps wrote:

not chilly, but shivery yea.the shivery sensation can sometimes be confused for coldness and affects 1-15 men/woman. its just a reaction to physical strain. if you think about it, orgasming uses are alot of energy, so much so that could compare it to dead lifting a car

athletes can experience the feeling too

Yeah you're right, it's probably some sort of adrenalin rush come down.

Abolutely spot on, I'm always getting told off for it, I am the biggest culprit of the cool remove, especially in bed (not so much if standing)

i get sweaty feet

dan559 wrote:

i get sweaty feet


I just get right back on and start going again i havnt time to get cold LOL

Dunno not had any sex in 2 years and 5months or is it 6months =( dont get cold after a tug though lol.

The OH is generally rather warm during sex, when he ejaculates he usually takes some time to cool down.

Cant say ive ever been cold after cumming, normally fairly warm afterwards.

normally hot and sweaty for me

My OH doesn't seem to get cold and neither do I. We are usually the opposite

Don't think I've ever experienced this myself as a direct result of coming, but maybe it's more to do with exercising..? (!) Especially after sex (as opposed to just masturbating) - I guess it's the same with any exercise, it's often common to get a chill afterwards after working out? ;)

Maybe my hubby's just weird like I thought .

I'm not colder immediately after ejaculation. However I may be relatively cold during foreplay & intercourse but only peripherally aware of thisat the time; only afterwards do I become focally aware of temperature.


SweetSubmission wrote:

I definitely get all shivery and need the blankets over me after I've come, and I'm a girl!

SS xx

I'm a girlie too, and I get the shivers, but I also get the same shivers after I've fainted - Doctor told me it's to do with blood circulation/blood-rush etc.

My Hubby tends to stroll around in his birthday suit where appropriate after, so I guess that's either to cool down or entice me into round two!
