Festival neccesities

I bought OH tickets for next years Creamfields for his birthday. Want to pack a bag with loads of things he will need while we're there as clues before I give him them. As many ideas as possible please? Xx

Glow sticks, dummy, ankle warmers, alcopops, cream, grass...

Oh oh oh.
Big fish, small fish, cardboard box

Wet wipes!

Maybe some waterless hand wash they sell for camping too. Hygene is very hard to maintain at festivals.

K, so. Idk how much you wanna go for but...

General camping shizz, like tent, sleeping bag, microfibre towel, picnic blanket, water carrier, hard fuel stove, fuel tablets, pans, plate, cutlery-type-thing.

Food. Generally stuff that can be made up with water, unless you feel like hardcore cooking.

Backpack of essentialness:
Warm socks, torch (wind up), power bar, water bottle (pref collapsible), lighter, wipes, hand sanitiser, loo roll or tissues or other substitute, dextrose sweets, suncream, reusable handwarmers, gloves, pac-a-mac, deodorant.

Emergency money in the bottom of the bag. Normal money, in a wallet attached to said bag.

Those juice things are good too, y'know the ones you squeeze that are super concentrated?

Loads of antibacterial wash & toilet roll , wipes x


mobile phone charger cable

mosquito repellant

a special festival hat or tshirt or something silly :) I always enjoy a good prop haha!

SO MANY WELLIES. Mud is the absolute worst

Waterproof coat and lots of wipes!

Thankyou guys! :D fairelights that mega list was super helpful!

gonna buy him the things that will last (like tent and cooking equipment and clothes) but will save stuff like toilet roll until nearer the time, we'd only use it before

I'm going to add something: a backpack or bag you don't care about, that even if it gets muddy, frayed, stamped over... you don't give a damn and you can replace without crying over it. First year at Metal Camp I made the mistake of bringing my best backpack and it got ruined with all the rain and the mud.

God I didn't even think about that! Thank you :D I'll buy him a rubbish cheep one and put all his stuff in it as his present :)

Young and fun95 wrote:

God I didn't even think about that! Thank you :D I'll buy him a rubbish cheep one and put all his stuff in it as his present :)

That's the idea. The cheap I bought for the next year managed to last until last day of this year's MetalDays (and countless other festivals and concerts), I was quite impressed!