Flickr anyone?

Hey all,

I was thinking.... because the rules here for posting images are on the "safe side" (which is perfectly fine!) I thought it might be fun to start a flickr group so we can all post more naughty pictures of ourselves in outfits, toys and accessories from this site. What do you think?

I've got quite a few pictures of a outfits from here but they are too naughty too post here, but I'd like you all to be able to see them!

Flickr has it's pros and cons, but it's free to join (and if you already have a Yahoo! account, you already have a flickr account). So long as you don't post any naughty pictures in public areas, and "flag" your photos as moderate or restricted depending on the content, then you should be fine to post them.

I just took some photos this afternoon of a friend of mine in a red butterfly thong, and they are *way* to naughty to post here, so I'll stick them up on flickr at some point when I get a chance.

Would anyone from the Lovehoney staff care to comment? I don't want to do anything that would upset you :) It seems to me like it would be a good idea as it means we can all see more product photos, and that can only be good thing :D

Hmmm, I guess I'm coming from a photography angle because that's what I do. Is it as easy as flickr to post photos?

I've gone ahead and created a flickr group to test the water....

Anyone is free to join, but you should really post photos too :)

To be totally honest, I don't see the need, the OA photo blog is very much established, it works well and people are already members. I appreciate why you'd think of it, but the blog works. Besides, we generally are quite careful who we let in - they have to apply, and are only allowed once theyre fairly well known, to allow the members a lot more confidence...

Hmm, well that's gonna make it hard for people to search for the group lol. Never mind - I've deleted it.

I wouldn't be comfortable posting pics on Flickr, seems much too public... we can control access to the blog, and it works pretty well for us! My personal preference would be to stick with that anyhow :)

Also, with respect, I for one (and I am active on the photoblog) wouldn't post on a flickr group set up by a member whose only posts on the forum, ever, were to suggest people come post pictures on his group... :S

Does look somewhat odd Markymoo?

Oh and welcome to the forums!


yep the OA blog is established and run by someone everyone trusts and she knows everyone who is a member of it thats why it works!!

LivingFire wrote:

Also, with respect, I for one (and I am active on the photoblog) wouldn't post on a flickr group set up by a member whose only posts on the forum, ever, were to suggest people come post pictures on his group... :S

i'm with you there, totally respect peoples rights to only allow people who are established on the forums see them in every which way, which is why i have never asked for acess, even though i have been active for a while, i don't post very much so i don't think people would be comfortable with it, but i am guessing people would be more likely to want someone like me who has posted a fair few posts and who they have probably stumbled across once or twice, to see their pictures, than as you say someone who only posted to suggest we show everyone rude photos haha

i genuinely dont think anybody would have gone ahead with that to be honest!

@ - thank you :-)

@ & @ & @ - I guess we all started with just one post eh? I enjoy photography (of all genres), so it is natural for me to look to want to share this with others. It's a shame the instinct is not to trust, but I guess that's the way of the world these days.

I don't like blogs for lots of reasons (which I won't bore you with). I have a photography background and know lots of people who are, for want of a better word, exhibitionists! Given the nature of this site I thought there might be a few people like that here too, but no bother if not. Like I say, it was just an idea and I was thinking out loud. I won't do it again - I promise.

markymoo wrote:

@ - thank you :-)

@ & @ & @ - I guess we all started with just one post eh? I enjoy photography (of all genres), so it is natural for me to look to want to share this with others. It's a shame the instinct is not to trust, but I guess that's the way of the world these days.

I don't like blogs for lots of reasons (which I won't bore you with). I have a photography background and know lots of people who are, for want of a better word, exhibitionists! Given the nature of this site I thought there might be a few people like that here too, but no bother if not. Like I say, it was just an idea and I was thinking out loud. I won't do it again - I promise.

I think I've seen your name put to some pics around the net fella! So I know your intentions were probably good but one has to be careful of course and you can understand that. Plus there is as the other members said, a well established photo blog amongst the group.

No problem in thinking out loud MM, It gets people talking!


markymoo wrote:

I enjoy photography (of all genres), so it is natural for me to look to want to share this with others. It's a shame the instinct is not to trust, but I guess that's the way of the world these days.

I don't like blogs for lots of reasons (which I won't bore you with). I have a photography background and know lots of people who are, for want of a better word, exhibitionists! Given the nature of this site I thought there might be a few people like that here too, but no bother if not. Like I say, it was just an idea and I was thinking out loud. I won't do it again - I promise.

Soliciting personal photographs is against the rules of this forum. And certainly our instinct is to distrust anybody we don't know who tries to solicit explicit photographs, especially men, because that happens more frequently than many of us feel comfortable with. That is the way of of our world. Calling it an interest in photography doesn't change the fact that you were soliciting explicit photographs from people you don't know to be posted on the web under your control. We already have a blog for that, which you say you don't like, yet you are asking people you don't know to trust you with personal photographs. Good luck with that. I think that's well worth distrusting, don't you?

And blogs can have infinitely variable content, so saying you "don't like blogs" sounds to me like saying you don't like footwear or you don't like books. But since you don't like blogs anyway, I'm sure your continued lack of membership of ours will be fine for all of us.

I refer you to this story which you may find applicable: