Former friend verbally abused me then apologizes 2.5 years later

I met a guy friend on an online mental health support group a few years ago and we became fast friends. We’d chat for several hours each time. At one point, he decided to ask if I also felt we had an odd relationship, saying that if he had a girlfriend, he would have felt guilty about us.

I agreed that it was sometimes odd, but I assured him that we were close friends and that I genuinely treasured the friendship. It’s extremely hard for me to find someone I could open up this much to regarding mental health issues. Often, just because two people are struggling with the same issues doesn’t mean they would instantly make a connection. But we did.

Anyway, the conversation didn’t go well. He wouldn’t let the question go no matter what I answered, I got tired of it, he started picking on certain words I said. He lost his temper and said a lot of horrible things to me, called me names, basically just verbally abused me

I asked him to please stop. He refused. I blocked him. After that, weeks later, he reached out again via another social, I thought he had calmed down, but he said he wasn’t sorry and refused to apologize. I felt I deserved better, and heartbreaking as it was, I ended it with him. It simply wasn’t a behavior I was willing to accept.

One year later he texted me something brief like, “hope everything is going okay”. I ignored him.

Another year and a half after that, he texted me a super long very emotional apology, saying that he had behaved that way because our closeness made him uncomfortable. But this apology was littered with so many disclaimers - about how he still didn’t think what he did was wrong, etc. He was basically apologizing that he had hurt me from asking me about the nature of our friendship (which I had already clarified to him multiple times long ago that I was not at all upset about) and not for the fact that he had called me names and said extremely horrible things to me (which is what really hurt me - I did tell him then that this was the reason I was upset)

In his recent text, he said he was worried and just wanted to know that I was alive and well.

Emotionally, I’ve moved on from this friendship. 2.5 years is long enough. I do wish him the best but I do not trust him anymore and therefore I really don’t want to have anything to do with him. I don’t understand why he’s now suddenly writing such deeply emotional things to me. It felt weird and not at all validating. I also felt annoyed that he did not acknowledge the barrage of verbal abuse and accusations he had hurled at me.

The thought of even responding, “I’m okay” makes me feel uncomfortable. But one part of me feels bad that someone is worried about me. Then again, I think maybe this is him just having some surge of nostalgia and that it would pass.

What should I do?


I think your instincts are correct. Don’t respond to any communications and block him on any media that he uses to try to make contact. Make it clear that your friendship or relationship ended 2 1/2 years ago following his tirade. That sort of abuse should never ever be tolerated.


I know it’s harsh but I think the best thing you can do is ignore him and don’t reply. I would question why he’s suddenly making contact after a year and a half of no contact. It might be that he’s split up with a partner or just got very drunk and decided against better judgement to message you. There’s probably something going on in his life that has prompted this.

If you really want to let him know that you’re ok then a simple “I’m fine but I don’t want to have any contact with you” keeps things clear. Personally I wouldn’t contact him because, from past experience, any contact could result in replies from him which could then escalate.

Which ever option you do, I would then block his number etc if you can.


Not got anything more to add agree with @GoGirl12 and @Kitty-Cat01 avoid.


Follow your gut, either reply thanks I’m OK and have moved on…
Show him your tge stronger grown up one…

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He’s not texting bc he genuinely wants to know that you’re ok, he’s trying to manipulate you into talking to him. Its working too.

Read back this part -


Just don’t reply.

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You say you met on an online mental health support group, do you think his mental health issues contributed to his behaviour both then and now? As others have said, he didn’t think he’d done anything wrong, so i would give him a wide berth, block any contact avenues and move on.

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This sounds like a classic predatory emotional abuse cycle to me.

  • I did it, I was right to do it.
    - Ignoring how you felt.
  • I did it, how are you doing.
    - Reinitiating contact to see if a weak spot is present to capitalize on
  • I did it, I’m going to fake apologize but still maintain I was right about what I felt. (You’re wrong for not reciprocating). - Attempted Guilt Trip
  • Reinitiate contact?
    - Anger will most likely return.

Abusive behavior cycle 101.

Stay away and don’t get drawn into feeling sorry for him.
If he respected how you felt the first time. This wouldn’t be a conversation. If he respected how you felt when you blocked him…this wouldn’t be a conversation. If he respected that you didn’t respond after he sought you out on another platform. This wouldn’t be a conversation.

If you respond to him now. Well. You know what to expect. And this will be a conversation.


From a man’s perspective, I don’t think men and women can be “just friends” without one or the other developing some sort of feelings. Before you all hate on me, I know there are exceptions to the rule. But for me I don’t think they can, sure you can be friendly towards each other. But true close friends I’m doubtful of.

I know loads of guys that have had a female “best friend” and almost all of them secretly love/lust after them. Even to the point they deny their true intentions to themselves.

Yes that is most likely a contributing factor. I know I’m not the only close friend he has lashed out at and lost. There have been a few others

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So he’s got form for it. He sounds a bit narcissistic and sociopathic, i think you know it’s best to cut all contact.


Hmm I always say there’s no excuse for verbal abuse especially if he wasn’t even willing to apologise at the time for it. You definitely don’t the right decision to end things and think of yourself as deserving better as no one deserves to be treated that way regardless of the situation.

I personally wouldn’t get into communications with him again as you’ve said you’ve emotionally moved on and anything you do say to him will only open it all up again I sense. The fact he’s said he is worried about you after all these years makes me more suspicious than anything as to me it would sound more like emotional blackmail to guilt trip you into responding and who’s to say if you was to reply things wouldn’t go down the same route again… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

The best advice is to put yourself first and your well-being


I’m in the don’t give him a reply camp.
Just cut him off completely. He’s not even really sorry for how he spoke to you, he thinks he’s still in the right.
By replying you will just keep the whole thing going because he’ll most likely reply back to you.


Trust your instincts and don’t engage, it will only allow him the opportunity to make you feel invalidated again. He obviously doesn’t accept he did wrong and clearly just wants to worm his way back in. If you no longer trust him then the friendship isn’t going to serve you at this point anyway and any response you could give will just fuel whatever issues he’s got going on regarding your relationship. You’ve done the work and moved on, don’t look back.


I wouldn’t reply. It sounds harsh, but I don’t think he cares how you are, he wants to you to be thinking of him, so that you initiate contact again. As you said, you’ve moved on, and let him deal with his sh*t without dragging you into it :heart:


You don’t deserve it.


I agree broadly with all the lovely people above. I dont think Id give him a chance to reconnect.

His text is really “sorry / not sorry” … “forgive me so I can feel ok about speaking to you like poop”

Ive done both reply and not in your situation. Go with whats best for you.

I had a horribly controlling ‘friendship’ for many years. Years after I finally walked away she reached out to me trying to meet up. I ignored her (and got blasted for not accepting the olive branch on their social media) but I knew if I re engaged Id be back in that horribly controlling place.

I have however recently forgiven someone who hurt me deeply. He was in a horribly place in his life at that time and I know it wasn’t really him that said some very nasty things. Sadly I didnt realise these things until he passed away. Im glad I can forgive him and Id like to think he saw me standing in the chapel remembering the good times.


I think his behaviour is disgusting and personally I wouldn’t give him anymore of my time. He’s apologising but at the same time not! Going through mental health issues himself he should know better than most that how he’s been with you is wrong. You’re worth more than how he’s treated you. You’re supposed to be friends and not just someone for him to take his problems out on. Please don’t dwell on it, it’s not worth your time :blush::ok_hand:



I have had very similar experience to this with a guy online, and I can say hand on heart, he won’t change, it’s a pattern, he just wants a response, he wants to find a way back in.

You don’t need this person, they won’t change, and you don’t deserve to be treated in that manner, absolutely ignore.