Glasses on or off?

I realise that this thread will probably plummet like a lead balloon, but still.

I was idly wondering the other day whether most full-time glasses-wearers took their glasses off for sex or not. On the one hand, there's the steaming-up, but on the other, it's probably good to be able to see what you're doing...

What do you peeps do?

OH takes his off, but he's only got a really mild prescription.

either that or he doesn't want to see me....

off for me too, but then again I can see close up, not so good for long distance. Sex is one of those close up things, thank goodness :o)

Both Gee and I wear glasses and I'm afraid for me (so nobody take the hump) that glasses on is definitely a turn-off. Mind you, finding them again is another story...

On! I can't see a damn thing otherwise and where would be the fun in that?

The whole glasses ain't sexy thing really pisses me off. I can't wear contacts (eyes too dry) so I wear em virtually 24/7. How can you properly pleasure someone if you can't see?

Have to say I generally keep mine on, everything's a bit soft-focus otherwise. They can get in the way for some activities but I'd rather be able to see. I also think that glasses are totally sexy. Although I suppose I'm biased!

I am as blind as a bat without mine! But like a bat I don't need them to see what I'm doing, plus our lovemaking gets a tad fiesty so they'd definitely end up broken!

SG69 x

imeldaimelda wrote:

How can you properly pleasure someone if you can't see?

Feel your wayExternal Media? Don't get me wrong, glasses on a person are sexy, but I find once you get down to bizness, they get in the way. Just my opinionExternal Media

Ooh, has to be off... they get in the way of kissing and things. I can see ok up close without them, and I find I do things more by feel anyway :P

(PS: hi everyone!!)

as an almost full time wearer of glasses, can only see things clearly close up, i.e reading books, so the majority of time its off with them,

other times i just clean forget to take them off,

and yep, sometimes they do get in the way.

Plus once i forgot to take them off, and boy did it take some cleaning to see through them again

oooops... can only read books and things without glasses on, otherwise i have to wear them,

(Hey shelly!)

See I just don't find that they get in the way. I'd just hate going through life not seeing and that's the same for sex. It's just not as much fun if I can't see. But then I am -7 on one eye which is very bat like.

See to see my hand in front of my face, I need to wear my glasses. Very, very bat like!

Hiya Batwoman !!!


Thanks TB. I'd rather be wonderwoman though! :p

Or catwoman - grrrrrrrrrrr


imeldaimelda wrote:

(Hey shelly!)

See I just don't find that they get in the way. I'd just hate going through life not seeing and that's the same for sex. It's just not as much fun if I can't see. But then I am -7 on one eye which is very bat like.

Wow, ok that's bad! I'm only -4.25 in my worst, so I guess I can manage without! I get a decent, if slightly blurry visual... all good for me.

Aside from that, I'd cry if I broke my glasses during a session! I love my glasses!

wow so many on here wear glasses! and actually im another glass wear though i am bad and hardly ever wear mine! even for none sexy things i dont wear mine, i just kinda forget about them and they steam up when u have a cup of tea :( lol.


Hmmmm. . . . .

I wonder why most of the people in a sex orientated chat forum would be glasses wearers?

Now I know some smart arse is gonna check back through all the when did you last masturbate posts and suss out that the biggest poster there. . . .doesn't wear glasses! Well all's I can come back with there is that they ain't wanking properly!

SG69 x