Lights on or off ?

I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to help my daughter with a uni assignment - I have found a post relating to this but it's over 3 years old and her survey needs to be current

All she needs you to do is to just comment on whether you prefer to have sex with the lights on or off (no other options I'm afraid) and whether you are male or female (not everyones profile includes this and photos can be misleading). Her study is on what part pyschology plays in sexual prefrerances and she purely just needs an on or off answer, no details. She has asked on a couple of other forums and been out with a clipboard in the streets etc but would love more answers so that she can get a good comparison from as many people as possible.

Thank you x

Female. Off.

Lights on, I'm female.

Hi id gladly help,

Off for me... im female.

Male. On!

I'm female and prefer lights off.

Female, On.

male and on

Me and OH.

female on, male off

male - on

Female --- on

Female. Off ![yes|20x20](upload://lJMrTcqgi5lI1FOpb07OYOcv2YF.gif "yes")

Female. Lights on.

Female. Lights on.

Great response so far - thank you all so much x

Me.. Female : On

OH.. Male : On

My partner also says lights on, his male.

on Male

Male - on at night and off in the afternoon :P

Female- Off :)