Grab Bag Specials

Hi Lovehoney

A few years back, you used to do 'grabbag specials' and I purchased the bondage bag for £29.99, which got me £85.oo worth of stuff :)

I see that these have been discontinued but is there any hope that these grabbags may make another appearance?

This question surfaces every now and then and the answer is usually they have no plans to.
That said, despite months of denying it, the grab bags did make a reappearance last year. Search "bumdle" in the thread search above. It was around the time they were trying to shift stock to make room in the warehouse I believe.
Make of that what you will.

They did them near the end of last year butthey were all pretty much the same thing in them, they weren't like the old completely random ones with the chance of really expensive luxury vibes and the like, plus its a pain for returns if people get duplicates of things they've bought, or get things they just wouldn't use.

Wow, that sounds INCREDIBLE! I Certainly wouldn't be able to stop myself purchasing something like this if it comes up again!

Ive just looked through that thread and it looked amazing! Such a great deal.

Only problem seemed to be a lot of cancellations which i bet caused a lot of stress for the live chat team! Whilst its good value for money i think a lot of us wouldnt benefit from it because of the high chance that you would get something you already have.

Theres no way around it though i suppose. They cant let people choose what they get because then it would just get ridiculous, and there isnt time to look through everyones purchase history to make sure they dont get items that they already have.

they were awesome and value for money. would be good to see them again

I miss the old grab bags

I think because too many people complained about their selections even though they got above what they paid, lh have felt it best to stop them, and instead focus on other offers.

Wow, I think that would be fab. I seen a similar thing on another website before deciding to buy from LH.

It would probably be more beneficial for us newbies who don't have much as yet so are less likely to get duplicates.

I would buy a bunch of those and just gift the duplicates to my friends :)

Also hoping that the grab bags will turn up again!

Anonymous Lady wrote:

I would buy a bunch of those and just gift the duplicates to my friends :)

Also hoping that the grab bags will turn up again!

+1 fab idea !

I would gift the duplicates lol people were getting a damn good bargain and they knew there could be a chance of getting what they already have.

Blueeyes82 wrote:

I would gift the duplicates lol people were getting a damn good bargain and they knew there could be a chance of getting what they already have.

Looking at the thread the trouble seemed to start when someone mentioned they had got a luxury vibe (which later it was suggested that the bags contained similar items but a small percentage "won" a luxury vibe) so people started ordering multiples and then cancelling the orders if they hadnt won a lelo or a we vibe.

I think though its a great idea if you are a beginner but for people who have collected one of everything, theres a chance you would get several multiples and also get things you have seen but arent interested in. I suppose lh couldve kept the contents a mystery until you opened the box but then they wouldve had to deal with lots of returns.

I have too many sex toys that I am bound to get duplicates but I would place them in a blog comp lol

I quite like the idea of a grab bag but them all being different and not knowing what you will get until its delivered!

But then its always hard if you hear someone else has got something that you quite like!

JM88 wrote:

I quite like the idea of a grab bag but them all being different and not knowing what you will get until its delivered!

But then its always hard if you hear someone else has got something that you quite like!

That's like me at a yankee candle raffle lol