
After it happened, I was surprised that it didn't burn. However, I guess that there's also a lot of saliva to dilute it.

Hobbles1247 wrote:

What's that I hear you ask... Grapefruiting?!

Well that is exactly what happened to me the other night. I was grapefruited and it felt fantastic! It's essentially where your OH goes down on you, aided by a grapefruit.

It may sound weird, but you should seriously take a look at this Youtube video...

Thank you sooo much for enlightening me! Would love to try this one day...

Plus- she is hilarious, and what is with the noises she makes???!!

SR36 wrote:

Hobbles1247 wrote:

What's that I hear you ask... Grapefruiting?!

Well that is exactly what happened to me the other night. I was grapefruited and it felt fantastic! It's essentially where your OH goes down on you, aided by a grapefruit.

It may sound weird, but you should seriously take a look at this Youtube video...

Thank you sooo much for enlightening me! Would love to try this one day...

Plus- she is hilarious, and what is with the noises she makes???!!

It's my pleasure SR! It sounds like she's unleashing a demon from the underworld... It would be so offputting if she was doing it in real life. A definite turn off!