Hair colour survey

I was blonde as a child, now mousey, but I am different colours at different times: brunette in the winter, or sometimes red, and I go for dark honey blonde in the summer. Always with a fringe - currently I have an asymetrical bob.

I am someone who starts a bit shy then warms up to really chatty and I guess there is a parallel to my bedroom persona - a little shy and hesitant, but once awoken I'm quite a minx and I love to be strict (which OH does not complain about!)

That would definitely be interesting lmh 😄

Naturally blonde but I bleach it platinum blonde. I am a submissive person in all aspects of life :)

Thanks for all the comments as far as I can see red is still the colour to try and tame is there any other colours out there that disagree if so let me know if you could be tamed by your oh or is it the other way round have fun with that one

Medium-dark brown. Anxious and passive.

Deep natural red/aurburn hair colour - Im definelty a passionate person, not a hot head but when im into something I can be overly convicted! - I think I just care ha

Naturally dark brown/black but at the moment rainbow dreads

very shy and quite quiet lack of confidence self image

only a few who are really close see the real me which i could count on one hand

Yet in the bedroom im more the dominant one although sometimes wish it was the other way round maybe one day

Red head going auburn, my hair is also going white but it difficult to see. I have quite thick hair.

I just get on with it, very passionate & imagianitive, sexually dominant, I can have a temper when my family is threatened or someone really pisses me off, woe betide them, but am super gentle and very caring most of the time.

Purple Mohawk (altho the colour is likely to change to lime green sometime this week )

This time last year my hair was long enough to sit on.... I got so fed up of struggling to wash it I told MrSPider to shave it into a mohawk, bleach it and dye it Blue - everyone was hellish shocked!

I'm pretty submissive, but I will stand up for myself or anyone I love. I'm very loving, creative, silly to the point of infuriatingly so (says MrSpider) I can be moody and quiet and often spend whole days with my head stuck in a book. I love learning new stuffs

I'm a dirty blonde / strawberry blonde. My hair is currently down to the small of my back but only because I've been growing it extra long so I can cut it all off and donate it to a charity that makes wigs for kids with cancer.

I'm shy and anxious but I do have a temper that flares occasionally. Sexually I definitely prefer to be submissive.