Hands Free. One for the Guy,s


Has anyone expirenced a "hands free climax" the reason i ask is having a Aneros MXG for a number of years without much success i thought i would give it another good so i put on some porn got comfy slid the little bugger up and waited, after 20mins or so started to work it and to my suprise i came hands free if you know what i mean i then wonderd if this was possable or have i mastered the Aneros. It was,nt the mind blowing O as some users have said about a 5 out of 10 on the orgasometer scale, enjoyable never the less, I would be interesterd In anybodys view on the Hands free theory (That also means anybody else,s hand)

Yup, it's possible. From what I've read it's mainly down to relaxing and practice. The more you do certain types of stimulation the more your body gets used to it and you can loose the block that says orgasm = penis stimulation.

I haven't had a non-penis orgasm Yet but I have gotten extremely close, both through prostate stimulation and nipple stim. I'm just struggling with getting tipped over the edge, but i'm sure i'll work it out eventually.

if you are turend on enough, you can defenitely come without touching your penis. It's a little like a runaway train you just cant stop. Try not doing it over your girlfriend though, that wont be popular.....

I used to have an mp3 of this hypnosis track on my old computer. The idea was that it would send you into a little trance then the woman giving the instructions would make you orgasm without having to move a muscle!

I used it onceand didn't get much from it (except being very relaxed), but I understand that to get the full effect some people may need to try it a couple times.

It's called Jackpot by Isabella Valentine if any guys want to give it a go :) Don't think it works for the ladies though.

Men come in their sleep without being touched, maybe a puberty thing though?

Janny wrote:

Men come in their sleep without being touched, maybe a puberty thing though?

Not always.

Abstaining from sex will often result in wet dreams.