Has this forum changed your sex life - Thank you lhf

Ive been on this forum for about a week and a half and im gonna tell you its changed my life… Today we had the best sex ever. Just listening to you guys talking so openly just about everything and being able to join in and chat changed it all… I was amazed… she came for about 30 seconds… i didnt think it was going to stop. Half way through i whispered have you cum… she said i still am… and then it doubled and kept going. She said it was the best orgasm she had ever had. She said it felt like it was never gonna stop… Best of all i didnt cum… it was all about her… fuck, it was so amazing. I went into dom mode and did everything. Got the bar out, ropes, everything that had any charge in it, used the sex machine on her… put the blind fold on her… made her suck it. licked it, rubbed it, stuck it in, teased it, pulled her hair… 4 orgasms later we decided to stop and have a fag and a drink… later on we were both a bit tipsy and she tried desperately to wank me off… It wasnt working and we laughed about it… Then I tried our new thing of masturbating in front of your other half… guess what…she spread my legs and rimmed me whilst i was doing it… Still didnt cum but bloody hell it felt like i had… Shes gone to sleep now but told me in her sleepy breathe that buddy is getting it in the morning… and she said her beans throbbing… Thanks all… you are inspirational. x


The topic should have been " Has this forum changed your sex life " and if so… how ??? who has inspired you. What inhibitions have disappeared. Whats new… and do you feel better for chatting and sharing… I just wanted to say thank you because its opened a new way of life for us. Im encouraging OH to join in…


I’m glad you have had such success from using the forum. It sounds like your also in for a great morning today. :smiley:

Plenty more hints and tips will have you both on fire

Do you want your titled changed to that?

I agree that the forum has helped me with new ideas and topics to discuss with my sexual partner.

This a brilliant, non-judgemental forum, where you can ask questions, seek opinions or just general test the water on all matters sexual and relationship related.

Totally with you there - it’s a good open forum with loads of good advice

Wow sounds like it was an all out extravaganza of an evening for you both and I’m so pleased to hear how the forum has helped you to expand on your sexual pleasures!

May it be one of many great times to come :smiley:

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