Have moved abroad

I’ve moved to the other side of the world to live. should i recreate myself or be the same slut i’ve always been ?


Be true to yourself, change for no-one.

Be whoever you are, you are you

Don’t change yourself.

I’d agree with the others, be yourself! But… if, like me, you feel that you haven’t really been yourself up to now, a big life change like moving country could be a great time to discover who you really are and develop your authentic self. If that’s the case, take some time to think before you make any decisions. Only you know what would be best for you and what would make you happy. Good luck with the move and enjoy your new surroundings!


Stay true to yourself but at the same time you could recreate maybe a little something different.

If you think about it we all change into something different through out the years.

Be true to yourself, don’t change for anyone other than yourself. If you are happy as you are, stay as you are.
If you want to change yourself do it because you want it and not for others.

Sounds like a perfect opportunity to recreate yourself and improve on any aspects you wished you done differently in your last location :smiley:

I moved abroad recently. In my new home I’m moreso being my true self that was always repressed back home. A new location is new freedoms. Be who you are, you’ll know what that is with time.